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From :iconszafalesiaka: (the writer) : This comic is a very old idea of mine inspired by one of the opening scenes of G1 MLP cartoon, where Firefly seemingly kidnaps a random human girl to help magical ponies fight Satan… I mean Tirek. I’ve always thought that logic behind that move was somewhat questionable. For those unfamiliar with the original sequence, it’s available on YouTube (…, 0:55 - 2:05).

 Script by SzafaLesiaka (

From :iconsaturdaymorningproj: Been a while since my last coollab with SzafaLesiaka. That was fun. Aside from drawing Muffins, man, how come I wasn't paid for that heroic effort? she appeared in each panel for Pete's sake :P In all the seriousness though, it's been quite pleasant to work on. Also, it was ages since the last time I drew a regular unicorn Twilight, rememeber those times?

Have a nice day guys,

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1188x2045px 1.8 MB
© 2017 - 2024 saturdaymorningproj
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MightyDragonEmperor's avatar

Since you mentioned in the description that "the logic behind the move about Firefly kidnapping a random human girl to help magical ponies fight Tirec was somewhat questionable," I find it odd, which is the "magical ponies" part, not the "Firefly kidnapping a random human girl to help magical ponies fight Tirec" part. The only type of pony who can have magical abilities are the unicorns, not the pegasi/earth ponies. So, this logic about "Firefly kidnapping a random human girl to help magical ponies fight Tirec" is seemingly "questionable" merely because Megan didn't have any magical abilities. Both the pegasi/earth ponies would've ended up next to Megan at the bottom panel.

In that case, Twilight should've said: "Bringing a random human filly in the middle of a Changeling invasion is a bad idea since she doesn't have any magical abilities!"