[YCH Animated] Valentine's daysSatomorii on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/satomorii/art/YCH-Animated-Valentine-s-days-1149395342Satomorii

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[YCH Animated] Valentine's days



Little Pixel Sakura Bullet DarkPrice: 25 USDLittle Pixel Sakura Bullet Dark

+3 usd extra animation

(wings, ears, tail, etc.)

If you don’t want extra animation for those things, they will simply remain in the design but static.

Little Pixel Sakura Bullet DarkHOW TO ORDERLittle Pixel Sakura Bullet Dark


Paypal (e-mail) :
Character reference:
extra animation (optional): (such as wings, ears, tail, etc.)

Extra information (optional):

Send me everything via note or private message!

Bullet PinkRULESBullet Pink

Arrow right (white) Icon (animated)Keep in mind that I use invoices, and payment is made upfront for safety.

Arrow right (white) Icon (animated)I can draw humans, kenomimi, furry, OC, fanart, LGBT+

Arrow right (white) Icon (animated)I must be credited everytime the comission is shared.

Arrow right (white) Icon (animated)All finished comissions will be uploaded to my social media with a watermark or as an example. If you wish to mantain your comission private, let me know in advance.

Arrow right (white) Icon (animated)For commercial use, the price will be double the original.

Divider Pink

Cherry Blossom IconEXAMPLECherry Blossom Icon


Image size
1584x1152px 368.08 KB
© 2025 Satomorii
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