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Sasurealian's avatar

Terra - Hit me with your best shot



She's not backing down from any fight.

Terra slipped her glove off her hand as she wiped her mouth. Her eyes narrowed and she knew she would die before she gave up on a fight.

I don't really know who I was suppose to be fighting. I am going to go with Slade because I hate him and I honestly wanna do a photoshoot one day with Terra kicking his ass. xD That would be awesome!!

I had another Terra photoshoot! This one was an idea that ~Huberstein gave me. I did it barefoot and I also had a friend do bruise and wound makeup on me. You can't really see it very much in this photo, but it is there. I will be posting more from this shoot soon. 8D

Soooo, this was a interesting shoot. First off, it was around 100F outside and then I went into a coned off construction zone with my amazing awesome, lovely, best friend ~MuzikosRito ^^; The dirt was realllyyyyy hot and my feet were burning. xD And we were downtown and so I kept getting honked at. lol. I kept getting scared that I was going to get in trouble by the police for being in there.

I got a lot of amazing photos and some I will be posting soon will show you just how awesome the layout was. 8D Stay tuned. :3

Terra from Teen Titans. 8D My friggin' favorite Teen Titan. <3 haha!
Cosplayed by *Sasurealian

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© 2012 - 2024 Sasurealian
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