.old gods.SashaWren on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sashawren/art/old-gods-554612121SashaWren

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.old gods.



You sing your praises to the Golden Ones, to your savior goddess for she has deemed you worthy of redemption. But we are the old gods, and we have the power to cast your idol goddesses from the heavens.


One of the nameless old gods, completely forgotten to the Hylian pantheon. There are remnants of him in the ancient ruins of the Lanayru Desert, but the Gerudo only write those depictions off as old portrayals of Farsu, the Gerudo god of the moon who is a lot like an anubis, a man with a wolf's head. In reality Farsu is like a less powerful, simpler version of this old god... it's kind of confusing, but I understand it all in my head xD

Yeah, it's not exactly a mystery where I got the idea from xD

Art (c) :iconsashawren:
Legend of Zelda (c) Nintendo
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Fire-Link's avatar
Nice work. How's things going?