Fox FeetSashaWren on DeviantArt

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Fox Feet



Hey guys, I'm super excited to announce that I'll be working with Sara Zunda and Jessica Dusing on an original comic book! It's called Fox Feet, and will be made for web format (any maybe one day print)! I'll be launching a kickstarter to help fund the work of the awesome artists I'm working with, but for now let me tell you a little about the comic.

Kit, a young Gyldish girl, finds herself in a mysterious forest called the Hallowed Wood, where she's looked after by a man named Ynoch. She doesn't remember much, but she does know that if she doesn't succeed in the task Ynoch gives her, something terrible will be let loose upon the whole of Eldera. She encounters a strange foxlike spirit who claims to want to help her, but his motives are unknown. She must navigate the enigmatic town of Stillwater, seemingly appearing from nowhere, as well as the dense shroud of secrets in which Ynoch has enveloped her.

Meanwhile, outside the Wood, an inevitable conflict is on the brink of becoming an all-consuming war as the Cyclican Empire seeks to expand---by any means necessary. An immense struggle for power, filled with magic and mystery and most importantly, the incredible power of the stories we tell---and the lies we believe.
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878x1024px 193.16 KB
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