David Pirkle
Professor Parniferous Pirkle
Had his own favorite hat.
A derby that hung on his bedpost,
And sometimes on a coat rack.
He wore it for breakfast.
He wore it for lunch.
He wore it sometimes
Even for brunch.
Wherever he went
It would be on his head.
"That is a very nice hat!"
People said.
He had it since he was a baby,
As a cradle in which he would nap.
Not an IF, AND, or MAYBE.
He looked like a splendid old chap.
But one windy day,
His hat blew away.
He chased it down,
As it flew around the town,
While Parniferous
shouted out "HEY!!"
It zigged and it zagged,
It flipped and it flopped.
It danced through the air