I was an exchange student in Japan for a month and a half in summer 2010, and now I really want to explore the rest of Asia... and the world. What does it have to offer? What can I offer? One of my life goals (aside from seeing Japan in every season) is to teach Americans about other cultures... many of us just don't seem to get that there's a whole other world out there, not just outside the country but outside of your house or car, and that it deserves respect. I also believe that peace is achieved through understanding. If we understand each other, we can avoid conflict. I think studying abroad is an important and incredible experience and I wish it were more widely available. To live life in another culture, not just to look at it. It does a lot for understanding them--and oneself...
The world is getting smaller, so we might as well get to know our neighbors.
As an artist, I'm almost entirely self taught. I took classes throughout high school... I learned a lot in photography, but the other classes I ended up ignoring to the best of my ability. I'm best at doing what I want to do. (I got a 6 on the IB art test anyway...) I've been drawing since before I could remember, as evidenced by a piece my mom kept from when I was two--she says it's a dragon, but it looks like an awkward rainbow-shaped unicorn demon. Obviously I've figured a few things out since then.
Current Age: 20, Current Residence: Oregon, US, Favourite genre of music: Symphonic Metal, soundtrack, Operating System: Mac OS X, Personal Quote: Vescere bracis meis.
Wind in the Bamboo Grove: A Tumblog of Things Asian
Dear User, we need some help because Sora (Pancake-the-Pikachu) is in trouble. The link has all the information we know. soradefensesquad.deviantart.co… So please, if your A friend, Admirer or Ally of them please help in anyway you can. Thank you.