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Fluffy birthday



A birthday card for my niece. I made a puppy for her big brother in the Spring so a kitten seemed fitting. I used a reference from Pexels and tried to keep this as realistic as possible. The end result is OK I guess but I'm not sure if I enjoy working like this. Realism leaves so little wiggle room for creativity. And coloring pieces like this takes forever. I spend a lot of time darkening the edges of her fur in order to shape her head better.

I think I might try a more illustrative style next.

Rembrandt watercolors
Albrecht Dürer watercolor pencils
Polychromos colored pencils
Black Nero pencils for detailing
White ink for the eyes
Strathmore Mixed-Media paper
Image size
1743x2460px 4.61 MB
© 2018 - 2024 Sarosna85
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jempavia's avatar
So soft and sweet!