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March 19, 2006
~sarinus will have you tagging like a pro in no time with his versatile set of 140 tagging brushes Be-A-Pro-Writer-Final
Featured by bleedsopretty
sarinus's avatar




Here is the final version of my Letter-by-Letter brush set for GRAFFITI TAGS!

First letters, 2x middle letters, last letters, numbers and other fun stuff that will help U tag like a PRO! :D

Match the letters, rotate and resize the brushes and make your TAGS!
About 140 different letter brushes in this set.

ENJOY! :thumbsup:

After U download, please bother and come back and fav or/and say what U think.
There is a lot of work in this set, so I appreciate every little piece of support. Thanks!

PEACE! :peace: :D

UPDATE!!! Thanks to :icongurly: the brushes will now work on PS5, PS7, PS CS/CS2!!! Thanks Gurly once again!!!
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