Ema Art Auction - Artists Help Japan

2 min read

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Saraty's avatar
Few days ago I came across this lovely event of Artists supporting Earthquake & Tsunami Fund "Give2Asia". www.give2asia.org/artistshelp

The idea is simple:
:bulletpurple: You donate Your time for creating EMA.
:bulletpurple: Then bid it in e-bay.
:bulletpurple: 100% of the sales income goes to Fund "Give2Asia" in order to help with the recovery of Japan due to the recent Earthquake and Tsunami.

"Ema are traditional small Japanese wooden tablets left at shrines with an image on one side, and a wish or a prayer on the other. To help Japan relief efforts, spread awareness, support and hope, artists are creating ema with their own positive heartfelt imagery for auction to benefit Artists Help Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund at Give2Asia.

Taking inspiration from these simple, traditional and specifically Japanese gestures of wish-making/prayers this auction allows everyone of any culture, religious background and dynamics a similar talisman, using the "if you will it, it will be" thought belief. A small work of art for a big cause.

One side has been left blank for its new owner to write his or her own wishes or prayers.

Bidding begins Sunday, April 3, at eBay Giving Works for Give2Asia. Direct links to donated art are to the right. Bidding for each ema is open for seven days. More ema artwork will be added through April 20."

More information about Auction can be found here: members.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.…

If You dont have time to participate, You can still help with spreading this information to Your friends.

Thank You! :love:

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