SarahMillerCreations on DeviantArt

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SarahMillerCreations's avatar
Location  Inner Space



Cut off
Cast out

We are alike
And we are not

Disjointed reflections
Broken connections

We are alone
And we are not


There's an unspoken dissonance between self vs others that inspired me to paint the feelings it brings. The need within us for validation and autonomy can sometimes war with our social need to blend, reflect, and connect with one another. When antisocial thoughts or social anxieties, in particular, are at odds with our inherent loneliness, we feel a unique loss of understanding we're not sure how to bridge.
Or if we even care to.

Some of us are more comfortable with isolation.
Some of us are more lonely than others.
How do you feel?

What do you see?

Hydrangeas represent emotion and understanding, but also frigidity, and even apology.

'Split' is the newest piece from my SPECTRUM collection, and another new card for my growing oracle deck! Join my newsletter on my website to be the first to find out when the deck is heading to print~
Image size
1050x1575px 1002.49 KB
© 2021 - 2024 SarahMillerCreations
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atomgrafic's avatar

Fantastic design, color choices and composition. Perfect illustration for book cover.