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sarahcoldheart's avatar

Pink Power Ranger Helmet



Okay, it's EXPENSIVE and difficult to make one out of resin and such if you don't have the skills.

I made one that looked alright for my cosplay using a motorcycle helmet and modifying it. Any questions, just comment! I put as little 'text' as possible and more understandable pics in case other people who don't understand English can understand. This method works for me but you can substitute a few steps if you have other kinds of materials that are suited for it. I have an X-wing pilot helmet made somewhat like this too and I probably should put up that tutorial... Heh.

The tutorial is huge so save it somehow and view it using a picture viewer so you can see details and such easily.
Image size
1240x1754px 1.27 MB
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Merpower's avatar
Well created, thanks for this!