Hello there :D
How time flies! Welcome to the third edition of the @RagamuffinCollective gallery feature. There's been a lot of lovely artworks that have come into the gallery this week that I'm sure you'll like, if not absolutely love ;) If you like the art that's in this week's feature, please consider adding the Collective to your watchlist. :)
A big thank you to those of you who have graced the gallery walls with your beautiful art, those of you who have stopped by to look at the art, and those who've added the Collective to their watch. Thank you also to new contributor @LawrenceCornellPhoto :)
And so, to the feature! Enjoy! :D
Cheers, Monica :D
From the Photo Manipulation gallery:
From the Digital Art gallery:
From the Traditional Art gallery:
From the Artisan Craft gallery:
From the Fan Art gallery:
From the Photography Gallery:
From the Mixed Media gallery:
From the Stock and Tutorials Gallery:
I have enjoyed drawing and painting since I was a child. As I grew up my love for painting and drawing grew. I decided to take this passion and make it my career, my future.
Current Residence: Italy
Favourite Visual Artist
Todd Lockwood, Glenn Rane, Wang Wei and many many others!!!
Favourite Movies
too many to say them all:D
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Books
artbooks, and sketchbooks
Favourite Games
Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, D&D, Swtor, Mortal Kombat, Return to Castel Wolfestein, Ultima Online and many others
Thanks at a dear friend, it's now available on facebook a page focused on my artworks at this