Guitar Hero Scarfsapphiresphinx on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

January 12, 2013
Guitar Hero Scarf by ~sapphiresphinx
Featured by Talty
Suggested by KnitLizzy
sapphiresphinx's avatar

Guitar Hero Scarf



Crochet. Ahhhhhh. This thing was the bane of my existence for so long. I promised my friend that I would make him a Guitar Hero scarf...and it took forever, but I did it! Sewing on the buttons was by far the worst of it. I sewed some buttons at least three times before I got the positioning right.

Anywhoooo, I'm pretty proud of it. I haven't seen people do a Guitar Hero scarf with stars before, so I thought I'd add that in. As it says, it's part of the pattern for Tool's Parabola.

Please view in full size!

Pattern credit: me (after a lot of tortuous trial and error)!

Edit: holy crap, daily deviation! :D Thank you so much to KnitLizzy for suggesting it and Talty for featuring it!
Image size
1116x1824px 1.58 MB
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