Bearing Witness
It was during summer, on a hot but otherwise normal day. I was working from home due to current events when I heard a noise followed by some voices. A quick look out the window revealed three people across the street.
The first was a child of approximately 13 years of age. He was sitting on the grass on someone's lawn, an upturned skateboard nearby. The two others were a couple seemingly out for a walk. After observing the group and hearing them talk, even from across the street, it was apparent the boy had fallen from his skateboard and hurt himself while two bystanders came to ask if he was okay.
While the boy didn't seem to have major injuries, he didn't want to stand up and was crying, perhaps more from shock than from pain. While the man made sure the child was okay, the lady asked him some questions. While part of their conversation was lost in the wind, it seems she asked the boy for his phone number so she could call his parents. She then called the number on her cellphone