Come Togethersapphireluna on DeviantArt

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sapphireluna's avatar

Come Together



For the "Share your most cherished deviantART memory" contest!

My most cherished memory is the friends I made through the "pmd-explorers" group. pmd-explorers was a role-playing group here on deviantART, based on the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. Sadly the group closed and was deleted  so I can't link to it. The owners of the group would create stories and missions in which the group members could participate, usually by drawing a comic of their Pokemon characters doing the mission. It was very popular back then and members went all out creating lots of amazing characters and stories every month. (You can see my missions in my gallery here:…  )

Collabs and cameos were encouraged so making friends with the other members became easy. We became like a big family even. I met so many nice friends who I still regularly talk to now even though it's been years since the group closed. Shout out to Sanngot, RainbowFilled and CrazyIguana  For the contest I drew our characters from the group riding off towards new adventures as a nice nostalgic memory from our time in the group~  Mijou the Oshawott was my character, Anther the Sawsbuck was Sanngot's, Robin the Wooper was CrazyIguana's and Treble the Chingling was RainbowFilled's character.
Of course I met a lot more cool people but I had to keep it simple due to time and space constraint, but know that I remember and appreciate all of you.         

So there you go, these friends are my most cherished memory on deviantART. Thank you deviantART for making groups a thing and allowing us to come together like this!                             
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© 2019 - 2025 sapphireluna
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TanukiTagawa's avatar
A cute pokemons bunch!  Deadpool - Cute