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Countdown to Christmas - 5 Days to go!



Starlight Glimmer X Sunburst - StarBurst / SunGliimmer

A Visit to the Crystal Emipire <3

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5 Days to go, So today was... ehh Boring. But something really interesting happened my friend come around to the room and said that they saw the girls bathroom with a lot of drops of blood on the ground we thought that was just period but it isn't because there's a lot more in the sink and even in the doorknob... All us is so blanked... We kept on going there... And after we home my mom and I was on the faculty room the teacher said to us that someone got her nose bleeding so he decided that she would go to the bathroom, but I guess she got a lot of blood got over her. The teacher said he was so worried what happened to her so he decided to go back to their home, And I said "Mystery Solved ;)"


No Bases Used 
Starlight Glimmer & Sunburst: My Little Pony / Hasbro
Background: :iconbrony:  brony
Art by: Sapphire Skies / Me
Image size
3484x2456px 7.98 MB
© 2016 - 2024 SapphireArtemis
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