1338 PS Ice Cream Sundae -SOLD-saphiraly on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/saphiraly/art/1338-PS-Ice-Cream-Sundae-SOLD-368680711saphiraly

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saphiraly's avatar

1338 PS Ice Cream Sundae -SOLD-



NOTE: her original design was changed to avoid copyright issues

ID: 1338
Show Name: Ice Cream Sundae
Stable Name: Sundae, Sunny
Gender: Mare
Age: 10 Years Old
Breed: Nordanner
Colour: chestnut roan sabino peafowl (flaxen and silver carrier)
Genotype: ee aa nR nSb nZ nPwl Ff
Height: 16,6 hh

Previous owner: Reclaimed for ~JC-Nordanner / ~AntlerCreek
New owner: =goats


------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: WCDW Eximius 127 browse.deviantart.com/art/127-…
------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown
----------------- SD: unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: SC Rhyfedd 120 psynthesis.deviantart.com/art/… (deceased)
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: SC Aithne 850
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DD: SH Ulmende 149 browse.deviantart.com/art/Nord… (group horse)
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown


:bulletred: I do not reserve spots for all eternity (unless you are a good friend and I offer you one),
:bulletred: spots are open every month, so you can snag one every month^^
:bulletred: But if you haven't made a breedingpic within 30 days, your name will be erased and the spot will be open again!
:bulletred: I only reserve spots if you haven't got a stallion/mare at hand
If you can give me a good reason, why you didn't manage to draw the breedingspot, you'll get a 1 month extension (I know, sometimes PCs crash and such^^)

:bulletyellow: ~JC-Nordanner -> frigatestables.deviantart.com/…
:bulletyellow: ~MoonyArsaraidh
:bulletyellow: *Meerli
:bulletyellow: RESERVED FOR ~DressageRider88
:bulletyellow: RESERVED FOR ~keeplaughing with 800 EWS Uruloki eclipsedwolf-stables.deviantar…
:bulletyellow: RESERVED FOR *LVS-Nordanner
:bulletyellow: RESERVED FOR *NorthEast-Stables
:bulletyellow: RESERVED FOR *Sorrel-Feather
:bulletyellow: RESERVED FOR *joesse
:bulletyellow: Art auction *Anougk

Lineart (c)*AgerskovArt
%Nordanner (c) `Cloudrunner64
Designs (c) me^^
Image size
4646x4741px 5.54 MB
© 2013 - 2025 saphiraly
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Affyre's avatar
I'm sorry to bother you, but who has she been sold to? I'm doing foal lineage and it would seem that she has been passed around and I'm unsure who is the current owner. XD