Saphira455's avatar


Just ignore me.
120 Watchers280 Deviations

Just a Dash by Saphira455, literature

Lost by Saphira455, literature

Nomb Encounter by Saphira455, literature

Pyre and Rouge by Saphira455, literature

See All

Just a Dash by Saphira455, literature

Lost by Saphira455, literature

Nomb Encounter by Saphira455, literature

Pyre and Rouge by Saphira455, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • June 4
  • United States
  • Deviant for 9 years
  • She / Her
My Bio

Is this how you pagedoll?
Ru'ina Silv by Saphira455

Don't have a site, and would very much enjoy helpful critiques.

My Nest(Family)~~
Role: Nickname ( info icon ) {Hours behind/ahead}
Mate/Girlfriend: Kit/FoxCat/Cagey ( What I call them generally depends on my mood and whichever pops into my mind first. XD :iconcageyfoxcat: ) {+7}
Mom: Gaster ( :iconvoidcafe: ) {-2}
Rorent: DB ( :icondbrocks: ) {??}
Aunt: Mickey ( :iconmilkyquartz: ) {??}
Sister: Cali ( :iconcalilea: ) {-1}
Sister(younger): Rose ( :iconmidnightrose3000: ) {??}
Sister(younger): UtU ( :iconthisiscreativename: ) {0}
Brother: Doom ( :iconlizardsabana: ) {0}
Lil' bro: Nova ( :iconlongbowsr: ) {0}
Cousin: Tranter the pillow ( :iconbirby-cloud-101: ) {??}
Cousin: Popato ( :iconsm0lp0tat0: ) {+5}
Charge: Lynxe (I'm their bodyguard... or somethin... XD :iconlyncx-e: ) {+6}
Childhood toy that I treasure into my adulthood/Sister: Tech ( :iconalbytech: ) {-3}
My/Family's Sans: Luna (Lmao :iconsansxyugioh: ) {-3}
Pet: Tig ( :iconniotakka: ) {+7}
Friendly ghost that haunts me: Furby ( :iconfurbys5: ) {??}
The one that WOULD smooch a ghost/Brother: Tyrone ( :icontheopenedminded: ) {0}
Crazy Nutella addicted CAT *cough*car*cough*: Aqua ( :iconaquariiaa: ) {+5}

Favourite Visual Artist
?Dunno yet.
Favourite Movies
How to train your dragon series so far.
Favourite TV Shows
... Been forever since I watched an actual TV series.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
... Dunno.
Favourite Books
Inheritance cycle and House of Night series.
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
Darksiders? Other games also... just there is lots... Pokemon also... Undertale
Favourite Gaming Platform
? Not X-Box... I guess?
Tools of the Trade
Whu? Um... Wacom Intuos I guess.
Other Interests
Dragons, Purple, Undertale... Not sure what else to put... might update.

Rexal ARPG Beta

0 min read
Do you like big dragon-like intelligent creatures? Boy do I have some good news for you! LOOK at these creatures!! I'm posting this pretty late, but I think the beta window is still open for this ARPG! I've just joined, but I love how these guys look. The last one is actually mine, and a design I adopted!
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So, I'm posting this journal so there's somewhere hopefully easy to vote on decisions for the AllFather, I will be posting updates in the Discord more often than on here, but I'll also try to keep this up-to-date on how he currently looks.I'll wait to see how many people show interest in voting on this project before I officially announce at what amount a suggestion or idea will officially be accepted at! Needs to be voted on: Beaks on all three heads?/ What kinds of beak(s)? What kinds of horns? Should the tendrils replace the spikes on his back? Should the chimera be 50-50 split? AllFather is an Alb-Mel!? Backround? There is now an examp...
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Starring: @Saphira455 as: The main person doing the things. AND SPECIAL GUEST  @Anarchisme as: The Secondary Opinion/Helper! nOW- oops, caps lock. Now, I'm sure you're wondering about the purpose for this journal, well! It's to help you pick out the best parents to get the kid you want! Or even simpler than that, we can help you pick parents for markings/bases/mutations you do want AND markings/bases/mutations you don't  want! Feel free to alter the form, but this is the barebones of what we'd need! Basic form:  Slots Available: (These are the slots you currently have available, whether all here or in a personal list) Markings/Bases/M...
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Profile Comments 2.7K

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Happy Birthday! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Hey, I see you like ARPGs and stuff, I thought I'd let you know about Kijikaiakus!
It's a fun, small group that has a lot of cool events and activities! Your first Kiji is free, with no obligation to join in the group or anything, we also have a Discord if you wanted to chat with some cool people :D (Big Grin)
Kijikaiaku are lion/fox noodles that come in a multitude of colors with many traits and markings to make each one unique! Even if you don't join, it'd be nice to have you stop by and check us out!

Check us out here: Gaias-Kijikaiaku 
Hm... I will check it out.
Awesome, let us know if you have any questions!
Happy Birthday! !