Is this how you pagedoll?
Don't have a site, and would very much enjoy helpful critiques.
My Nest(Family)~~
Role: Nickname ( info icon ) {Hours behind/ahead}
Mate/Girlfriend: Kit/FoxCat/Cagey ( What I call them generally depends on my mood and whichever pops into my mind first. XD ) {+7}
Mom: Gaster ( ) {-2}
Rorent: DB ( ) {??}
Aunt: Mickey ( ) {??}
Sister: Cali ( ) {-1}
Sister(younger): Rose ( ) {??}
Sister(younger): UtU ( ) {0}
Brother: Doom ( ) {0}
Lil' bro: Nova ( ) {0}
Cousin: Tranter the pillow ( ) {??}
Cousin: Popato ( ) {+5}
Charge: Lynxe (I'm their bodyguard... or somethin... XD ) {+6}
Childhood toy that I treasure into my adulthood/Sister: Tech ( ) {-3}
My/Family's Sans: Luna (Lmao ) {-3}
Pet: Tig ( ) {+7}
Friendly ghost that haunts me: Furby ( ) {??}
The one that WOULD smooch a ghost/Brother: Tyrone ( ) {0}
Crazy Nutella addicted CAT *cough*car*cough*: Aqua ( ) {+5}
Happy Birthday! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Hiiiii, lol