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Saoirsa's avatar

Cold Warrior



Seriously, I have totally a Skyrim flashback at this drawing! XD 

Well, that's a point commission for :iconhellcharm:
I drawn her character, she's a snow leopard, as you hopefully can see.
Because I make extremely rarely such cat anthros and snow leopard's I even never previously drawn.
What's actually surprising because snow leopards are my absolute favorite big cats. 
But probably I'm just recoiled before this characteristic leopard print.
And now, I regret almost a little, that I never dared it, 
because although it was challenging, it made a lot of fun! Meow :3 

As for the point commissions generally, I know that I spoke a while ago of introducing them firmly.
And it came out... well, not particularly much. Shrug 
However, I will create a journal in the near future, with the exact specifying and from then, 
I will officially accept point commissions! I am a dummy! 

Gouache, Acrylics, Colored Pencils and Ink on Bristol Paper. 

Here you come to my Point Commission Informations

Checkout some other of my drawings: :D (Big Grin) 

Beware of Killian by SaoirsaWinter Essence by SaoirsaRulers of the Forest by SaoirsaSuccessful Hunt by SaoirsaHis Silver Love by Saoirsa

Well, I hope you're satisfied with it! Aww 

Hell Charm © :iconhellcharm:
Art © :iconsaoirsa:
Image size
1652x2323px 2.07 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Saoirsa
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WhIppIng-b0y's avatar

Kiss her adorable forehead.