hey all. . not gettin much time to be on dA or online. . i wanted to reply to all the comments and favs . . :( dont think i can. . but i am really grateful of the support. . thanx . i really appreciate it. .
hey all . thank you for all those favs and watches. . hav been a little bust these days but will reply (plannin to) . .Will be exhibiting my works next saturday
with my friend (who recently got a dA account too :iconjhavanje:)http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155261024671&ref=nf
hey all . .
been inactive again . . finally cleared the msgs and the watch list. . tot i'll update . . thanx for the 26k page views :)
lotsa stuff happening . lovin it . livin it. . will upld more works some time soon .
got featured over at cgtantra http://www.cgtantra.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=338&Itemid=35
and in a local newspaper from my hometown
http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r82/sanpaiya/udayavani.jpgedit: and i got a DD today . . thank you . .
:iconiruhdam: for suggestin and :iconPurpelBlur: for the featuretoo many things happenin this month . i am also plannin to have a show towards the end. hope it goes wel...