
A World Familiar

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Literature Text

A World Familiar

A world of shade lies beyond the veil of our simple conception

Shadows it's citizens

and corruption it's creed

Silence is to laughter, as death is to life

This world is known, reflected by strife

It's mayor the reaper

This world his plaything

This world is simple

This world is complex

It has many visitors

and you may be next

This world of darkness

A vision to behold

It's towns are ancient

It's mysteries untold

Spires's to the heavens, like plants to the sky

A world unknown

and yet still known to all

A world set up

Only to watch you fall

It's majesty profound

A dahlia among the weeds

This world elusive

A figment in the dust

This world familiar

As we all may yet know

This world inside us

It may never let us go
Have you perhaps glimpsed this strange world? 
© 2015 - 2024 SanityFallen
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DragonsChest's avatar
A wonderful poem...