REVAMP If You Step on a Crack...SanguineEpitaph on DeviantArt

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SanguineEpitaph's avatar

REVAMP If You Step on a Crack...




Original (March 2011):

This is for `PurpelBlur's emoticon revival contest, part three!
Our job was to revamp our old emote based on feedback we've received from part two of the contest (which was for participants to give critiques on emotes). I incorporated a lot of feedback if you can tell. xD Not only did I rely on the awesome comments I got from the contest participants, I also based my updates on what others have told me since I submitted the old emote. I knew I wanted the clouds and more background for context, and I completely changed the sun. :nod: I noticed that my skills have really improved since March of this year! That's a 9 month difference right there! :o

I am so happy with this, I cannot even tell you. ;u; Even if I had to make it fade to white because I couldn't make it loop, that's fine because this took a LOT of work to pump out in two days, and I am so excited about how it looks! :hooray:

I would love to hear your thoughts. What do you think of the improvement? c: Good luck to all of the participants in `PurpelBlur's contest! I would like to thank =jaichizuru and =litecrush for dealing with my link spam while this was in to get their feedback.

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140x80px 168.79 KB
© 2011 - 2025 SanguineEpitaph
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E-M-O-girl45's avatar
hehehehe looks like im havin fun and this just made my fun a whole lot better