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September 10, 2011
Goin' On Vacation by `SanguineEpitaph
=EastSideSunsets said: "Goin' on Vacation is packed with detail. The opening of the car door, the exhaust fumes, the movement of the car as it's pixel perfect. The adorable little orange emote's expression is too cute, and the bouncing movement is amazing--the shadow, the squish, everything falls right into place!"
=EastSideSunsets said: "Goin' on Vacation is packed with detail. The opening of the car door, the exhaust fumes, the movement of the car as it's pixel perfect. The adorable little orange emote's expression is too cute, and the bouncing movement is amazing--the shadow, the squish, everything falls right into place!"
Featured by Krissi001
Suggested by EastSideSunsets
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Holy wow.

Unfortunately I will not be able to thank anyone for faving, but I will respond to comments and other messages directly.
Also, I had a description written for this, but I think a bug in Stash erased it.

Image size
200x100px 133.41 KB
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I've gotta say, this is adorable. The emote's expression is super cute--he looks so happy! And the bouncing motion is very smooth. Great job with that, especially with the shadow. I also love the up-and-down movement of the car when it moves and how it shakes when it starts. The pixelling of everything is great, especially the car and the background. I also love the animation of the emote entering the car--that's a little detail I know I would have missed. Same with the exhaust fumes. I love all the detail you put in, both with the animation and with the pixelling.
The only less-positive things I have to say aren't very big--the emote is still wonderful as is. I think that when the emote walks to the car, when the screen cuts from one side to the other, it's a little too quick, not as smooth. Same when the emote is in the car and he starts driving and the screen cuts again. I think if it scrolled, it would be a lot smoother. Again, it's a minor detail. Another, even more minor thing is that when the car goes into the portal, there's a straight line where it disappears. It might look better if instead of the straight line, the inner edge of the portal is where it disappears. [I have no idea if you understand what I I making sense?]
This is a fantastic little emote. Great job. <3