Sango1994's avatar


674 Watchers


Danny Fentom aka Danny Phantom

Crossover Life Sub Folder 7

56 deviations
Chibi Devil babies

Crossover life Sub Folder 8

15 deviations
Crossover Family photo

Crossover Life

2503 deviations
Ken reading

Tokyo Ghoul weight gain

1 deviation
Highschooler Rentaro2

RE Sequel Aftermath Subfolder

2 deviations
Ichika Kaneki

Sequel to Tokyo Ghoul RE 2

29 deviations
Ash Misty

pokeshipping story

134 deviations
Electric Tales Ash And Pikachu3

Switching places

34 deviations
Damian and Leya old days and new days

Snorlax's mating time

19 deviations

Inuyasha game story

73 deviations
Pokemon Logo

Pokemon Gameverse Trainers

430 deviations
Kalos OCs:Katerina's Journey

katerina's journey

245 deviations

a pokemon christmas 21

"dont be apalled but lets see how it would be if ash and misty married!" says katerina. "ARE YOU NUTS!!!!!" say everyone. ash and misty blushed. "thats a great idea!" says ryuu. "i know right!" says katerina. "a christmas marriage aye?" wonders isaac. "a christmas prank!!! ooo ooooo oooooo!!!!!" says brock. the girls glared at brock. "ill be the pope!!!" says brock. "Ill make tux n dress!" says james. "ill make the banner!" says tracey. "ill bring out the table sets!" says kenny. "woah there everyone!" says ash. "its ok ash! we wont really get married! right?" says misty. "thats for us to know and you to find out" says katerina smirking. "...

Poke Christmas

21 deviations

our future lives together 12

"lets think of a solution after lunch!" says cilan. "sweet! lunch!! my favorite time of the day! besides breakfast and dinner!" says melony. cilan laughs. "eating healthy is good for the mind!" says cilan. "unless your ash who eats snacks in between!" says misty. "well excuse me!" says ash annoyed. "YOU WANNA HAVE ANOTHER FIGHT!?" yells misty. ash cowers. "nah! im good!" says ash fidgety. cilan snaps his fingers. chili and cress show up. "were they here all along!?" wonders ash. "you dont need to know the details!" says cilan. "ok?? where are we going with this?" "well it is the new year so we need to make a banquet!" says cilan. "lets not...

future lives together

12 deviations

a pokemon fantasy 10

"katerina since you are at ashs house for however long they said come with me and bring ash!" says dawn. "what?" wonders katerina. "katerina bring ash with us so we can fix him up so he wont let his outfit get drenched!" says dawn. "onward to ashs house i guess!" says katerina. "not just ashs house!" says dawn. "who cares if I get my outfit wet!" says ash. "ash it would be best if you dodnt get me mad!" says dawn. "but if I am to be with misty how is a different outfit gonna help?" wonders ash. "mermaids do hate humans." says dawn. "what we need is a place for the mermaid-" "misty!" says ash. "ok! we need a place for misty and ash to be! a...

pokemon fantasy

10 deviations

The tickler 6

"why am I being tickled by an old woman!?!" thinks Lucy. "whining and not trying to let me tickle you will make torture funner!" says Hilda staring down at Lucy. "if Natsu was around he wouldn't care! This isn't really evil magic!" says Hilda. "Natsu? The pink haired fire user? You would be calmer if he was around?" wonders Hilda. "uhhhh sure!" says Lucy looking away. "I'm sure he's around! Looking for you now stop dillydallying and let me tickle you!" says Hilda. "I'll try not to whine! You lonely estranged old woman!" says Lucy. "I let the girls go!" says Hilda. "awesome!!" says Lucy happily. "when I'm bored!" smiles Hilda. "fine! Whatev...

Fairy tail

6 deviations

Kyo Kara Moah:goodbye my lover 6

3 days pass by and no sign of Wolfram."Maybe it was bad timing for me to appear! Ya! That way I wouldn't know where Wolf was or if he was with Waltrana!" says Yuuri."Ahem!" says Waltrana walking up to the young king."Since you haven't due to there being a meeting then I doubt I'd know where Wolf was." says Yuuri."The great sage said he was with Adelbert!" says Waltrana."That may be true but if I came while he was gone and you arrived for the meeting I'd be stumped where he could be!" says Yuuri."That's one way of seeing it!" smirks Waltrana."Waltrana if you did come alone you'd tell me and be smug about it!" says Yuuri."Me smug about wanti...

KKM Kyo kara maoh

6 deviations

Jealous quarrel 39

"What? We need a place to stay!" says James. "you two need to shut up! I'd pop you in the mouth if anything goes wrong!" thinks ashton(ash). James looked at ashton(ash) terrified. "I guess I will put the pokemon back in their pokeballs!" sighs ashton(ash) gathering them up. Ashton(ash) tossed the pokeballs in the air and in went the pokemon but glalie and Pikachu. "We are officially doomed! If I was ash I'd take him on with aura or something not look like a pathetic nobody!" grumbles ashton(ash). "What?" wonders Bianca. "Errrr.....nothing! I was talking to myself!" says ashton(ash) backing away. "Sounds like your hiding something mister aw...

Love quarrel

39 deviations

Dream story 7

As days turned into weeks.....about a month later..."This may have been why my lame side was always around." huffs evil Melody. "What?" wonders Stefan. "N..nothing lil one." says evil Melody. "How much do I have to eat now to get the next reward?" wonders Stefan. "Well im running out of rewards for your days work of eating like a good boy." says evil Melody. "I saw a unfinished story." says Stefan. "No! Thats mine to write...I havent finished yet!!" says evil Melody. "Ummm ok then." says Stefan. "Heres your food for the day!" says evil Melody making pizzas appear. "Now dont move till all of it is gone! K? K!" says evil Melody. "...

Dream story

8 deviations

A new Pokemon adventure 16

"Alright water type crew! Lets follow the grass type crew and see what we can get!" says Dawn. "Does that mean me too?" wonders Jessie. "Sadly." says May. "Meowth will be with the fire types then!" says Jessie. "Uhhh sure. Sure." nods May.The water typre group followed after the grass type group when they ran into the grass type as the grass type were headed into a cave. When everyone stood up a Pengliff showed up. "A Pengliff aye? It's like Piplup! I want one so it can be buddies with Piplup!" says Dawn sending out Aguade. "I have a Piplup too." says Drew. "Ya but youre more of grass type then water type." says Dawn looking back. "Just se...

A new Pokemon adventure

58 deviations

An anime fairy tale 23

Lets see what is going on with the Cinderella prince....Sango ran toward the castle where two guards stood. "Why are you here? A peasant  can only be summoned." says guard 1. "I wanna see prince Miroku." says Sango. The guards stare at Sango then themselves. "Well?" wonders Sango. Guard 2 pictured Miroku and Sango together and laughed. "What?" wonders Sango. "Good one!" laughs Guard 2. "Rags of that stature need to be away from royalty." says guard 1."What is going on here?" wonders Miroku. The guard stops laughing. "Atleast I kept a straight face." says guard 1. "Oh!? Its you!" smiles Miroku. "You know this servant wench?" wonders guard 1...

Anime fairy tale

23 deviations
Ghibli Studio

Ghibli movies

11 deviations
Anime Movies logo

Fave Anime Movie couples

17 deviations
Anime Series logo

Favorite anime series couples

316 deviations
Sims logo


1106 deviations