
Kyo Mara maoh:goodbye my lover 4

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It was time for the meeting to decide who Yuuri will wed since Wolfram took off. Yuuri wasn't really paying attention to everyone talking about who will be Yuuri's new fiancée which in turn made Yuuri even more annoyed. "Everyone knows Wolfram is my fiancée yet he took off during the night!" says Yuuri loudly. "If you are looking at me for answers don't bother! I was gonna take him home but that was for another day!" says Waltrana. "Gwendal coughed trying to get back to the matter at hand. "Yuuri is finally 16 and able to marry Wolfram like the proposal has intended on yet he is nowhere in sight!" says Gwendal aggravated. "Well of course he would!" says a voice. Everyone looked at Yuuri who waved his hands as if to say it wasn't him.
"My little Wolfram is caught between love and having to go home with Waltrana! It's a shame really! After all they went through and no break up was said I'm stunned to see Wolfram gone!" says Cäcillie coming into view.

"You're not needed here!" says Waltrana looking her way. "Boo you! You always have to keep Wolfie away from his lover!" says Cäcillie walking over to Yuuri. "Mom does have a point! Wolfram is old enough to make his own decision and despite Yuuri slapping him out of anger when he appeared, not once has he declined!" says Conrard walking up to everyone in the meeting. "You're not helping Conrard!" grumbles Gwendal. "Just saying it as it is! Yuuri can't help going back to his family on earth! Now that Yuuri found his true feelings for my boy they won't ever get married!" says Cäcillie setting her hands on Yuuris shoulders. "I did give it some thought while I was on earth!" says Yuuri. "Why don't we hear about what you were thinking while on your home world!" says Cäcillie happily clasping her hands. "Mom!" says Gwendal angered. "What does everyone say?" wonders Cäcillie.
Everyone nodded in agreement. "Splendid!" says Cäcillie. Yuuri huffed and told everyone how he felt about the situation of being king and how he didn't want Wolfram to stay or make him go. That it was Wolfram's choice and his alone but doesn't wanna break Greta's heart because of the choice Wolfram makes if he wants to go.

Wolfram had made camp and was sitting in front of a fire with his horse Shadowless wondering if he made the right choice in running away from the problem instead of telling his uncle and Yuuri what he thinks is best for him and the demon country. "Interesting seeing you in this neck of the woods!" says a voice. "Who's there?!" wonders Wolfram grabbing his sword. "Its only me! Relax feisty!" says Adelbert walking toward him. "Don't even try to take Yuuri away from the castle! He deserves to be the ruler there!" says Wolfram. "Doesn't a king need a lover to be by his side? Last time I checked you were Yuuri's fiancée!" says Adelbert sitting down. "Don't get the wrong idea!" says Wolfram unamused. "If it is about Yuuri then you must be rethinking the proposal! If its about going back to Bieldefelt then you should know the answer!" says Adelbert. "As if youd know! walking away from the demon tribe over the loss of Julia!" says Wolfram pouting. Adelbert laughs. "You should know by now why I left!" says Adelbert. "Im not like you! You werent told about her death which is why you left us!" says Wolfram looking down gloomily. "You are running away because your heart doesn't wanna lose what is already here! Right?" wonders Adelbert.

"Lay off!" says Wolfram annoyed. "I left the demon tribe because you guys wouldn't tell me what was going on with Julia! Taking off was the only way I can cope with the hatred brought upon the tribe for lieing to me all that time!" says Adelbert. "I run away because I don't wanna betray the bond Yuuri and I had despite it being an accidental proposal which led us well more Yuuri to adopt Greta making a little family!" says Wolfram trying to make a smile as tears weld up in his eyes. "Im not saying anything! You wanna be like me and betray Yuuri even though you could have said no to the marriage!" says Adelbert. "We have been through a lot trying to make a better world for everyone but with Yuuri going off to earth every couple weeks its hard to believe we will ever become a strong country and be there for humans and demons alike...and even if it could choose one will be happy while the other will hate me! Its not fair!" says Wolfram.

"if you've ever learned from anyone it better be Yuuri! despite us being against one another we finally have a life where humans and demons can be together. that doesn't include bandits! Though we will be there if need be!" says Adelbert. "Your kind isn't worth being around but you are there for Yuuri at times thanks to Julia's soul or whatever you said about Yuuri." mumbles Wolfram. "You heard it so you can feel free to leave." says Yuuri.
"Hold it Shibuya!" says Murata showing up. "Murata! Why didn't you come back with me?" wonders Yuuri. "Shinou wanted you to stay on earth!" says Murata. "Why?" wonders Yuuri. "Why else? You needed to regain your maryoku!" says Murata. "So instead of regaining it here you forced me to be on earth with my family when I could have been doing my duty and kept Wolfram from leaving!?" says Yuuri. Murata smiled.

"Some things are better off not said!" says Murata. "Ya...when you shove me back to earth when y people need me!" pouts Yuuri slumping down in his chair. "Be glad you are back cuz if I didnt know better Wolfram is with Adelbert and his bandit buddies!" says Murata. "He is!?" say everyone. "Have I ever steered you wrong with how I know things?" wonders Murata smirking. "You are never wrong which is creepy!" says Yuuri.
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