Steampunk Harley Quinn previewSandySuicide on DeviantArt

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Steampunk Harley Quinn preview



This is a preview of my Steampunk Harley Quinn photoshoot n.n

It's been waaaay too long since I last took pics of one of my costumes, I've finished a few since my AC Harley costume, but just haven't got around to taking pics yet. This project had been started in the summer right after my holiday, but since I'm a first class procrastinator, this got kicked back until winter, which led to a VERY chilly photoshoot. Luckily the shoot was awesome, I had loads of fun because what makes this cosplay so special is that I got to use it with an awesome friend, :iconcandustark: who I've been wanting to cosplay with since forever cause she's the most amazing cosplayer ever! MY boyfriend jumped in on the costuming too, but sadly I forgot to take his coat with me so he chose not to be in the pictures u.u We'll have another shoot soon, maybe with more characters in the team n.n

I hope you like it, and more pics of this soon, specially with my super sexy Poison Ivy <3

Thanks so much to :iconshamblesofhearts: and :iconsaika-possession: for being such amazing photographers n.n

Original fan art property of :iconnoflutter: go check her out!

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