Art Streams

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SandyFortune's avatar
Second time writing this on my phone because I forgot to post this last night from my PC, and the DA app is horrible to the point I can’t see what I’m typing. Ahem. Anyway...

I’ve started streaming! I’m going to try streaming art tonight! I’m over at right now, aiming for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 11pm (EST/EDT). I’ve been playing Portal 2 to get the bugs worked out, but now I’m ready to start poking at art again. (Which should be “fun” since I haven’t done any drawing in a while.)

I decided against Picarto for now. I’m more familiar with Twitch as a whole, and would like to get established there since there’s a lot of options. I’d like to primarily do art, with some story-driven games sometimes. I don’t know if I want to split that between two sites right now. I guess I’ll see how Twitch Creative section works out. Maybe I’ll fall back to Picarto if I end up knowing more people there, but... Twitch is Twitch.

Anyway, I’ll probably be trying to draw stream splash screens and such this time. Also remembering how to use Photoshop. And a tablet. So... We’ll see how it goes.
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