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Jason And The Argonauts



Hello everyone, past year I had several personal problems that took my whole time.

I'm trying to get back to my natural work. So.... after a long time... here is another piece of mine:

Art: Gerardo Sandoval
Color: The Amazing :iconbennyfuentes:

Copyright © Stone Arch Books
Image size
1500x1115px 492.87 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Sandoval-Art
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WikkidPerson's avatar
   I am a high school English teacher in Canada.  I teach many teenagers who do not enjoy reading.  They especially do not enjoy reading stories which are long and have no violence.  So I wrote a series of five-page Jason and the Argonauts adventures for them, with violence galore.  I am paying an online printing service to print four or five copies of a book of them for my students to read from.  How would you feel about my using this supercool image on the cover of these books for my students to read?  Also, would you like a free copy of your own?  This is just for me to teach school with.  Please let me know your wishes regarding this.