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Blue Ashes



And the silent wanderer stared, transfixed by what had grown through the ashes in her absence. Even as they parted in a billowing wave beneath her hot breath, scouring the ground of their sooty traces, they reminded the mare of her solitude. However, with the flower growing strong and bright before her eyes, the dark suddenly didn't seem so lonely anymore...

Beware the massive file!

My latest project XD This is what happens when I attempt to make a dark and depressing piece-- it ends up glowing and prettyful and not really depressing at all. *facepalm*

I seem to have a thing for electric blue and black. Hrm.

Roughly two days worth of work-- roughly 13 hours worth of painting, 10 of those hours almost non-stop without a break.

Needless to say, the ash was a bugger to paint, and beyond that point I became profoundly lost as to what to do after that. However, I soon solved that by adding the tiny glowing mushrooms everywhere (have fun finding all of them!).

I don't really like the rose-- as I told Sunset, I think it looks like its got tarps for petals.
But it gets the job done.XD

Some fun info:
-The horses body is painted completely in 1 layer. The mane and tail done in 2 layers.
-The flower is 3 layers.
-The ash is about 6 layers.
-The mushrooms and clouding in the background are 1 layer.
-I never drew the hooves. Hence the super high ash piling around them.
-I am immensely proud of how well the horse turned out-- I referenced the pose from my own photos of my horse, but in the end it turned out looking nothing like him. :heart:
-This is the first time I have attempted a different lightsource-- something low and coming from the ground. XD

I hope I don't regret the light watermark in that corner.

Some Details of the image can be found here.

Image © (=sandeyes13)
Horse Referenced from personal photos.
Rose Referenced from [link]
Not for unauthorized redistribution, sale or personal use by anyone without my written permission or consent.
Image size
3300x1800px 983.54 KB
© 2010 - 2024 sandeyes13
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CAStock's avatar
Wow, really, really beautiful take on a horse-scene. Loving the blue glow in te dark, I think it is such a wonderful idea, it's mysterious, intriguing and really beautifully executed. Wonderful work :clap: :hug: