The dragon and the stick salesman (NYP demo)sandara on DeviantArt

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sandara's avatar

The dragon and the stick salesman (NYP demo)



This was my demo for the NYP students. It was about 2 hours, with an additional 1/2 hr touch up afterwards.

My thanks to the NYP students; you were a great audience and I hope the talk was of some help and inspiration to you guys. :)


The stick salesman - you know, that little guy holding a stick in a lot of environment concepts/illustrations.


Photos were used from and dreamcatcher-stock.deviantart.…
Image size
1100x647px 391.41 KB
© 2014 - 2025 sandara
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TheOtterPony's avatar
"You DARE to come to sell STICKS to me!?" The Dragon roared and took into the air as the tiny salesman ran for his dear life...