HealingSamuel-Hardidge on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/samuel-hardidge/art/Healing-118282789Samuel-Hardidge

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Samuel-Hardidge's avatar




In the burning heat of love and rage.
The chill of the spine. Arms. Neck.
Transisting twinnings. Tingles and spurs.
Worming throughout troubled places. Heart. Mind. Vertebrae.
Trembling feet. Trembling hair.
Emotion. Precipice whining. Crying out with feeling of yearn.

More! I say. Fades.
Until next time.

Until next time. I fly once more.
With the dust of fairies and my greatest dreams.
The whirring immensities of life at it's highest point.
Never alone.
Always there with that to be felt. The amazing intensity.
Of Him.


The first official piece of the 3rd alone series.

Pen Tool, Wacom Intuos3

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Image size
1997x1331px 1.53 MB
© 2009 - 2025 Samuel-Hardidge
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hrwilliams's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Awesome!! The color scheme is beautiful. Very sepia tone, which sets a mood -- jaded, whimsical, sad or desperate, repressed -- definitely repressed.

There's a lot of MOTION, too, an explosive effect, like all that repression has finally become too much and your character here is just LETTING IT ALL OUT. This is the breaking point, where healing begins.

The title helps to add meaning and assists the viewer with interpretation, which I'm told is a real smooth and artsy thing to do. (In poetry, anyway. Poetry is so dang hard to interpret.) I honestly don't know a lot about "real art," but this is definitely one of the better pieces on the Christian art scene. You conveyed a lot without resorting to slapping words all over the picture. Keep up the excellent work!