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Bodhidharma 1



After a fruitful and inspiring training session yesterday 07.04.2017 at my martial arts school, with my master Goran Pujic, I drew today a series of 4 renderings of the famous founder of Shaolin monastery and the first patriarch of Chan-Buddhism, Bodhidharma. In Chinese he is called also Tamo. The current website of Shaolin is:… .

When I came home from my trip from India in 1995, my first encounter with the sacred tradition of Bodhidharma`s Kung Fu was at the martial arts school of my beloved Grandmaster Ajahn Lao Vongvilay in Munich. Link: : There I trained Kung-Fu in the style of the “crouching tiger” or in Thai: “ Süa Lag Hang”, which can be traced back to Bodhidharma. Also I began to practice the Wing Tsun wooden Dummy Form in the tradition of Grandmaster Yip Man.

Today I am learning since 2 years Muay Thai Boran, which is rooted as well in Thailand.

The size of my drawing is A4 with golden Edding markers on blue paper. My writer name is SAMSARA.

Image size
4946x7014px 2.08 MB
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