He Likes His Maid- 02samsa23 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/samsa23/art/He-Likes-His-Maid-02-1144202324samsa23

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He Likes His Maid- 02



Eventually Jason tired of just watching his long-legged maid shake her curvaceous ass at him and pulled the beautiful captive heroine into his lap.

"Ugh...is this really necessary?!" Nomaiden grumbled. "This disrupts the cleaning of your own study..."

"Oh you'll get back to it eventually," Jason grinned as he ran a hand up and down Nomaiden's bare thigh. "Besides you can't pretend you don't like this."

The captive heroine pushed against Jason's chest in an attempt to get away from him, but it wasn't enough to break his hold on her. His hands kept a tight grip on her scantily-clad body and she felt his excitement pressing through his pants.

"One of these days I will get my revenge for these humiliations..." Nomaiden grumbled.

"God I love it when you talk tough. Such a turn on...you really know how to get me riled up, don't you?"

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© 2025 samsa23
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TazLooking's avatar

I really enjoy my coffee like this!!!! 😍😍😍😍😉😉😉😎😎😎😎