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Ship Fly Opening (Animation)



Sorry the quality is terrible. It won't be like this in the real thing, I promise. I just went through hell and back trying to export it into a file I could upload to DA so I could show it off. It looks like I'm going to be doing most of my work (besides the actual animation part) in Adobe Premiere, because doing it all in Flash was just not practical at all. As a result, I was unable to export it as a SWF (and Gif looked HORRIBLE), so I ended up exporting it as a normal video file (and at a smaller resolution so it could fit on your screens) and then used one of my other programs I had laying around to export it as SWF. And now here it is.

This is the first sequence of my final animation of the Galacticats theme song! The background was painted in Photoshop and the ship was modeled and animated in Anim8or, and then chroma-keyed into premiere. I'm LOVING IT so far! Hopefully it keeps going this good.

Click to watch the finished video on Youtube:…

Other Clips:
Ship Fly Opening (Animation)
Polaris Entrance (Animation)
Vega Entrance (Animation)
Galaxy Entrance (Animation)
Cats Running (Animation)
Galacticats Ship 2 (Animation)
More Cats Clips (Animation)
Galacticats - Dogs (Animation)
Cats Glow (Animation)

Sketch animation of the whole theme song

Learn about Galacticats here

Image size
800x448px 341.37 KB
© 2016 - 2024 SammyJ-Studios
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The-Syreth-Clan's avatar
This look wonderful. Very smooth and fluid.