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512 Watchers14 Deviations

Updated 2024~!

1 min read

Hello! I'm not here!  This is where you can currently find me!

Basically, I'm gonna try my hardest to stay away from META (instagram, Facebook, Threads), Twitter (X), and any other place that does data scraping for AI.  Sadly even Tumblr is doing it these days.  So I'll be where the wild and free artists roam!

You also can find me on !

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1 min read

You can find me on the social media links in my profile as well as:

of course, if you're ever confused, you can always find me at or you can contact me on Discord! sammich#2107 .... if you really just want to email you can contact me at SAMMICH at gmail dotcom.

Hi!  As you might've known from the kerfluffle on Twitter, DeviantArt decided to start up an AI generator based on ones like Midjourney.  They also are quite cozy with NFTs and other very foolish parts of the internet that claim to be "innovative" in the art field.

Because of the amount of degradation of trust I no longer want to post my artwork to this platform!  I really suggest that other artists do the same!

I won't delete this account, but I did remove all my art from it.  This is a real shame considering I've been on this website for almost 20 years!!  I just genuinely no longer trust dA to have the artist's best interest in mind.  I hope every single person on this site finds a home they can trust on the internet!  Good luck out there!

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This website wants to use your art so that anyone can make art based on your illustrations/creations.  

A deeper and in-depth look at this is on this Twitter thread:

There are other galleries and websites that do NOT allow AI to use their images for the creation of AI based art.

Please reconsider posting art here to DeviantArt unless they change their mind.

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JammerLea is doing commissions!  Please check out her work!

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Happy Pride!! :createwithpride:

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Updated 2024~! by sammich, journal

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