This account is not spoiler-free. Please be cautious if you're looking through fanwork for any of the series I post here.
Sadly, because I work pretty unpredictable shifts in my current job I'm not around very much to reply to messages any more. So I apologise if it takes me a while to get back to you. I appreciate feedback and do always try to get back to everyone as soon as I can though.
I am happy for my work to be featured in most groups that ask. However I do NOT want my work to be featured in anti groups (i.e. groups against a certain character, series or pairing) or groups that have anti-homosexuality rules. So if your group has a "NO YAOI/YURI" notice in regards to all posting of queer ships, then I probably won't let my work be featured there. Thank you for understanding.
Please ask before taking any of my work to post on other websites. This includes for use on Tumblr. I have my own account there and would prefer to post my work myself. If there's anything here that you particularly want me to post on Tumblr then let me know and I will, since most of my older stuff isn't posted there.
Hi, how are you doing?
ThanXXX for the “Joni ” Fav, Sam!
This is an Acrylic on canvas painting 40 cm x 40 cm inspired by the self portrait on the cover of Joni Mitchell’s “Clouds” LP.
I finally completed it!
My wife did a Joni gig in the Hindmarsh Hall on Sunday night and it was AM~AZ~ING!
hi, how are you?