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NEW BOOK! Art Exercises For Improvement - Preorder
That's right, if you haven't been following me on other social media, you probably haven't heard, but I wrote a new book! It's all about how to improve your art skills, no matter what kind of art you do or your skill level! And it's available for preorder here right now! :D
It's a 50+ page downloadable ebook covering over 60 exercises to help you improve your art skills.
⭐What's Included:
-60+ unique exercises aimed at any type of artist
-Additional prompts to take each exercise to the next level
-Further reading and resources to aid you in your journey
-General words of encouragement, because art is hard
📝Each exercise includes a summary of what it is about and how it helps you, at least one art example drawn by me, and a homework assignment to push you to practice.
🎨The exercises are general enough to fit any type of artist, no matter what medium or style you use, no matter what you draw, and no matter your skill level, whether you are beginner or more experienced.
Going Dark With Your Art - Adding Contrast
I think all artists either do struggle or have struggled with getting higher contrast in their artworks. Going dark can be pretty scary—What if I mess up? What if I can’t fix it? What if it looks bad? (Insert any number of fearful questioning!)
Darker values don’t have to be scary though, they’re your friends, just as much as lighter values are. And learning how to use a wider range of values can give you more control over what kind of artworks you want to and are able to create!
In this tutorial I cover ways to help get over that fear of going darker with your art pieces, be you a digital OR traditional artist, I have plenty of tips for you! If getting higher contrast or working with values with your pieces are things you struggle with, this video should (hopefully!) help you improve, or at least lead you down the path of exploration and experimentation!
Utilizing pale hues and values certainly can have their place, but knowing when and how to use high contrast can make your
How to Start (and Finish) a Sketchbook
Let's tackle a common problem I've seen, and experienced, amongst us artists--starting, and ultimately finishing, a sketchbook.
Let's start with the practical reasons, since for some of you, that may be enough to get the juices flowing and pages going:
Money: Sketchbooks aren't always free, and if you're anything like me, seeing those empty pages in a store fills you with that drive that you gotta just buy up a whole bunch more, even though you have a stack already back home. With or without coupons, those prices can add up, and if you're not using them, that's just money flying out the window!
Time: As the saying goes, time is money, and wasting that is an invisible, and arguably more costly, expense to you! Time in which you could've spent practicing, improving, and having fun is lost if it's never used! Just think about how much time you have in your life before it's over, a bit gruesome, but also telling that it's very precious! If you spend it worrying about ruining a
Where I Get My Art References
A common situation us artists often find ourselves in is—where in the world can we get references or resources for our artworks?
As artists, it's our responsibility to make sure whatever references and resources we're using is done so legally. It's time to go outside of Google Images! I've compiled a list of my go-to places for stock photos, textures, backgrounds, and more! All of which are free or cheap, and CC licensed.
While quite a few of my favorite places to get resources hasn’t changed much since this video, I figure I’d share a more up-to-date list of places I get my references and resources from.
Pixabay and Unsplash are fantastic free websites that I absolutely recommend taking advantage of! They have thousands upon thousands of high quality photos, be they just for anatomy or bare bones referencing, or full on projects. They also have textures or other digital elements to use in your artworks as well. I definitely visit these two sites multiple times a week, bloating up
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WOW. Thank you so much for the feature!!