Where to find me (not leaving, just updating)

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Samantha-dragon's avatar
It's somehow quiet here again, sadly, but that doesn't mean that I'm not drawing. I've been sketching for practice, as I found it somehow easier to focus on it even when I return home late and tired from work... But I wanted to try at least partly to join the Mermay challenge - mermaids are pretty creatures (no matter that they can be pretty scary) and fun to draw ^^ So hopefuly, there will be more soon.

I noticed many journals about people leaving deviantArt - that's really sad to see, even more when they leave to places I'm not much using so it's difficult to continue following them. So I just wanted to make things clear for my account as well - I am NOT leaving. DeviantArt always was (and probably will be in the future too) my main gallery, I happened to find here many people like my art, many artists to follow at one place, many friends and I even met with my beloved partner Dreit thanks to dA (and llama badges, wow, it's been 8 years). I'm not happy about Eclipse and sad about how we are forced to move to new site which is still somehow unfinished and many actions are there difficult instead of easier and more natural than at old site. I sticked to use old version as long as I can and later it's going to be big fight. Mainly because the way we are forced to move to new site I joined 3 days of quiet and log off from 1st to 3rd May, so even my traditional Magnolia picture was submited later (even I had it prepared on time this year).

Also... that Corona thing, I'm tired to read about it all the time and on every place I visit, so... let's say that I'm fine, my family and friends are healthy. Hopefully, you are okay too ^^ Stay safe and be positive! :)

Gift: Magnolia IX. by Samantha-dragon


personal web, including TO-DO list

Although dA is my main gallery and most active place:

Other active places to find/follow me

instagram.com/artofsamanthadragon (new to this, maybe will be more active here)

Other semi-active/passive places to find/follow me


I use my Scraps for sketches and small things: www.deviantart.com/samantha-dr…

© 2020 - 2024 Samantha-dragon
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Dreit's avatar
One thing fascinates me. Everybody, check out Furaffinity and e621. I know, those are different kind of sites than DA and you have to look closely what are you stepping into.


= Furaffinity did major change of design and probably even code underneath. It still looks very similar to what it was before. Just small things changed but majority stayed where it was. I'd say it works well.

= e621 was practically made brand new from scratch! And guess what? It still looks same! Yes, some buttons are more colorful, some things work better than before, but users know how to use it because PRACTICALLY NOTHING changed for them! Evolution instead of revolution!

Meanwhile, do you remember when DA changed their previous design to one we have now? A lot of artists decided to go somewhere else, because nothing was like before, everything was moved to different places. I remember how this version of DA got incredibly slow compared to original one. I'm still confused about some decisions.
And now they are doing it again. I'm pretty sure they took NOTHING from past and new Eclipse will be same disaster like previously. I don't say Eclipse is bad. I say it's different (which is good), but there are too many changes at once!
When you're reconstructing your house, you do it room by room. DA just hires some strange architect, burns your house down and next day builds new one that makes no sense to you, because you got used to old one. Washing machine is in living room, toilet is in main hall and microwave is in bathroom close to ceiling.
That's not good idea if you want your trustful users to stay here. That's way to say "So long and thanks for all the fish!"