Samantha-dragon on DeviantArt

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Samantha-dragon's avatar

Character sheet: Samantha



After roughly 13 years, my main sona gets new reference sheet! She needed it already so much, the old one is... well, very old, not many changes happened but anatomy is better now (hopefully) and anthro version is added too. Also I've reduced text info, there were so many details I can put somewhere else and have chance to update them easily
Gallery folder with more pics of her:…

There will be commissions of similar refsheets available soon, hopefully!

(c) character and art belongs to me, Samantha-dragon, 2023

Image size
2116x1000px 1.03 MB
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blueyoshiegg's avatar

Rather lovely looking dragon :aww: Love her combination of colours there ^u^ dragonshy2 :+fav: