I know I’m so much behind with posting my works online… I do work and art still but do not feel like posting… dunno what’s that exactly, my boyfriend calls it some kind of burnout 🔥 I don’t enjoy watching others because lots of posts are so much adjusted to match algorithms… I don’t blame artists, I understand so well why do they do it 🫶 and when I make myself open social media, my energy / willpower / social battery suddenly drops down I close it again soon without posting anything (even though I manage to get some concepts with unfinished hashtags done)… Seeing even here so much content (I hate to call art "content" but that's what AI products) created by AI and people selling it and dA-site spotlighting them like that's the only correct way we should "create". I still can't get why on Earth we are leaving to computers doing something what gives us join instead of leaving them work.
As many others, I’m looking for safe place for artists… hopefully Cara will be solution?