The Freedom Of Faith

18 min read

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Salena99's avatar

Rise and Shine for Jesus

These weekly devotionals I will be posting come from and are copyright to Pam Iannello, my pastor's late wife who went home to be with the Lord on June 18, 2008.

I'm going to start posting these twice a week instead of once a week. I'm going to try to get to them on Sundays and Wednesdays. I don't know about you but I can't wait a week to get to them. Let me know in a comment if you like this better or not.

I appologize for any difficulties in locating past devotionals. The devotional index is now fixed and will take you to the desired devotion.

If you've ever wrestled with God's plan for your life, this series is for you! Based on the book of Luke and the lives of Zacharias, Elisabeth, Mary & Joseph.

The Freedom Of Faith

This devotion is part of the "The Wonder Of It All" series.

Today in our continued study of Luke chapter 1, we will be turning our focus back to Zacharias and Elisabeth as we join them for the birth of their son, John. I like how the story proceeds in verse 57...

Now Elisabeth's full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son.

The phrase "Elizabeth's full time" captured my attention... What about when OUR full time comes? I'm not referring to our full time in terms of pregnancy, but our full time in terms of the Lord's design upon our life. What will we have given birth to when all is said and done - a testimony for the Lord, or shame to His name? One day, we will all be delivered from this old world and it's trials, but not until our full time comes, amen? That day has already been appointed for each of us. Are you willing to wait on the Lord daily as a woman with child must wait until her appointed time to deliver? What about when your burdens grow heavy and feel like the weight of a child upon your body in its ninth month? At that point, it's difficult just to walk! Will you stay in the race during those times, or fall out? Ladies, our Christian life is much like the picture of Elisabeth in her full time. We must labor in our walk with the Lord and with that labor comes those "labor pains". However, with those pains also springs forth new life! Are you willing to suffer the "labor pains" for the sake of Christian growth in your life? Elisabeth brought forth a son, a miracle in her old age! With the Lord, we can bring forth miracles in our lives too. Are you willing to trust the Lord with your "full time"? Are you willing to labor and suffer a little pain for His sake, for the sake of birthing a miracle? I hope so!

Verse 58:
And her neighbors and her cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her; and they rejoiced with her.

Mentioned here are the friends and family before whom Zacharias and Elisabeth were a witness. We all have friends and family to influence for the Lord, amen? By now, these people had adapted to the long-standing childless state of this particular couple. Certainly these folk conferred over the news of Elisabeth’s pregnancy and were now able to see for themselves the miracle God had performed on their behalf. Because the Jews looked on children as a gift from God, naturally they considered it a shame that Elisabeth had gone without the Lord's blessing on her life for so long.

I wonder if any of these persons had contributed to the doubt that was present in Zacharias heart in receiving an answer to prayer for a child?? Have you ever had close friends or family say things to you that bring doubt upon the validity of God's Word as you choose to live by it?? The fact that they were childless had to have been a topic of family discussion from time to time, even the topic of discussion at social gatherings with friends. Surely over the years Zacharias and Elisabeth had attended the birth celebrations of other friends and family. What did they have to talk about while all the others were sharing baby stories? Were they left to themselves at those get-togethers because they were pitied, no one knowing really what to say to them? Perhaps these well meaning family and friends even acted like Job's friends at times and started guessing at the reasons for their being childless. No doubt some resigned themselves to the fact that Zacharias and Elisabeth were never going to have children and simply gave up hope. When someone gives up hope it is evident upon his or her countenance and in his or her conversation. Maybe that is where the doubt began to filter on down through certain relationships to Zacharias and Elisabeth as they discerned how others were viewing their circumstances.

Ladies, I have a question for you. What happens inside of you when those you are close to start quizzing you over what God is doing in your life? What about when they question your faith in God and you don't have an answer for them? There are definitely times when we do not always know precisely or even understand God’s plan. Are you set back in your faith when those questions from others come, those comments with hidden meaning that people make? Is it okay NOT to know as a child of God what your heavenly Father is doing? Can you still rest in the Lord when you don't have an answer, even for yourself?? What reply will you give to others when you don't have one yourself? Will it be one of faith? Or doubt.... Think back on your past conversations with friends and family that you have engaged in regarding what God is doing in your life. With what impression did you leave them? What impact did that impression have on them? Were they encouraged by your faith in God, or did they get a glimpse of your wavering faith in Him? Elisabeth's associates heard from her lips of the mercy of the Lord in her life - and they rejoiced with her! What a way to influence others for the Lord, amen? Never enderestimate the power of your testimony in even the smallest matters!

Verse 59:
And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child; and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father.

Hmmm..... I sense some overbearing relatives and friends here, don’t you? THEY came over to do something that the parents can take care of themselves - circumcise the child. THEY even called him Zacharias after the name of the father. Did anybody think to ask the parents if that was what the baby's name was going to be?? Sounds like tradition was pretty heavy in this circle of family and friends. Is it that way for you today, dear lady? What do you do in the face of tradition when you know the Lord has directed you away from it? Do you succumb to the family pressure or the peer pressure, or do you yield to the Lord's will? The strength of your faith in God will determine the path you take...

At this point we can look back at verse 13 of Luke 1 where Gabriel, the angel of the Lord, spoke to Zacharias and told him he would have a son and that he should name him John. We also know that Zacharias shared this information with his wife, Elisabeth. It is clear that the Lord was directing this couple to break away from family tradition, for in those days the son was typically named after the father. Let's see how Elisabeth handles the assumption of family that things will be as they always have been....

Verse 60:
And his mother answered and said, Not so; but he shall be called John.

Does it seem to you that it was hard for Elisabeth to state the baby’s name, knowing how deep the tradition was that was being broken by naming their child John? Or did her faith in God make it an easy task to carry out? It appears to me that Elisabeth defended God's Word admirably and confidently, but not with any disrespect toward family. How would your faith handle the job of breaking family traditions??

Verses 61 & 62:
And they said unto her, There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name. And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called.

I wonder if these dear ones thought Elisabeth was running the house because tradition was being broken? Have you ever had your in-laws think that way about you, ladies? :-) I have! It is not pleasant, nor easy, but faith in God allows the comments that others make to have no disturbing affect upon you. Elisabeth simply stated the facts because God had rendered her husband speechless for his unbelief and doubt nine months ago. After receiving such a shocking announcement from Elisabeth, notice that the group immediately sought Zacharias attention with sign language and asked him how HE would have the baby called. I can picture the scene... Tight lipped they turn away, having nothing further to say to Elisabeth as they piously walk over to Zacharias with the attitude of, "Well, we'll just see about this! Our Zacharias would never break such family tradition!"

Yes, it gets touchy when family is so closely involved with the raising of our children. Often times it is assumed that things will be done as they always have been by others before us. Though you may or may not have children today, perhaps your family is getting closely involved in some decisions you have made in obedience to the Lord that they do not agree with or understand because those decisions have caused you to place the Lord's will above family customs. Ladies, as Christians, we cannot and should not be intimidated or crippled by tradition and doctrines of men. The Bible says we need to stand firm on the Lord and obey Him first and foremost! We need to hold to the course GOD determines for us high above the counsel of friends or relatives, even church family! Remember that protection Mary enjoyed which we saw in our study yesterday? God's protection and guidance will be with you always - even when following the Lord may cause you to be the reason that family tradition is broken! God's protection and guidance will be with you even when doing right causes others to arrogantly question your actions. It will fill you with peace and courage in light of the dismayed faces of loved ones, empowering you to carry out God's instructions boldly...

Verse 63:
And he asked for a writing table, and wrote, saying, His name is John. And they marvelled all.

Above we see how firmly Zacharias handles this family pressure in the face of breaking tradition, of doing something he knew in his heart many would question. Zacharias had his answer ready before they even came to him! Amen, Zacharias! You did it! You stood up for God! You chose His way! You doubted before, but in faith you obeyed His Word in the face of opposition! I like how Zacharias stated the baby's name.... He said, "His name IS John." In other words, this matter will be handled as God has determined! Because God had told this couple to name their baby John back at the commencement of this miracle, Zacharias and Elisabeth had always referred to him as such. This was not a topic open for discussion - it was a done deal! Signed, sealed and delivered by God months ago! No doubt Zacharias had come to terms with his faith in God over the course of the year. It is clear that everyone in attendance fully understood as Zacharias penned John's name that this old priest meant what he said, for the Bible says they marveled at it! Not one of them could believe he would break tradition. (There were surprises for everyone in this story!) These folk could not comprehend what would cause him to do such a thing. But this priest knew, for the Lord had worked mightily in his life!

Ladies, the same thing will happen to you to when the time comes and the Lord directs your path in a direction that family or friends will not understand. Don't be startled or set-back when they marvel over your decisions to serve the Lord wholeheartedly! With faith in God and His Word, be prepared to handle the pressure or opposition that may come. When this group of loved ones witnessed Zacharias firm resolution rooted in God's instructions, they knew that there was no sense in pursuing the discussion, he could not be persuaded otherwise. Has your faith in God had the power to silence others? When you stand on the scriptures it will keep you from wavering to and fro between opinions. Though others may be silenced by your faith in the Lord, your lips are free to praise Him…

Verse 64:
And his mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue loosed, and he spake, and praised God.

Unbelief stopped up Zacharias mouth and belief opened it again - that makes me want to shout!! How about you? If you lost your speech for a year, what would be your first words when you were finally able to talk again? God had brought an end to his involuntary period of silence and Zacharias was now free to speak. His first words were praise to God! He was finally free to shout the good things of God that his doubt and unbelief had prevented for so long! Those who truly believe God can't help but speak of their belief in Him, amen? Better to be without speech than not use it in praising the Lord! Old Zacharias had just graduated from the classroom of learning to trust God's Word. Now he was able to testify on the Lord's behalf. Yes, his faith in God was rewarded when he actively obeyed the Lord's leading in his life - even in the little things like the naming of his son, the miracle plan of the Lord! Certainly this new father had many godly lessons to share with his little boy...

Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)
But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

How about you, dear lady? Have you been faithful to enter the presence of the Lord, yet found yourself leaving His company not really believing what God says in His Word? Zacharias, upon realizing this truth about himself, took a new direction in life. He repented of his unbelief and acted upon the Word of God and was set free! Perhaps you have been wondering how to get yourself out of the trap of not trusting the Lord, causing your assurance to wane. The way to renew your faith is to go back to that very place where you stopped believing God and act upon His Word. Live by it as Zacharias did, get your direction from the Bible and then simply obey it! You will then be set free to praise and glorify the Lord once again. Those who would find God must seek Him with ALL their heart! Ladies, God calls us to believe His Word and rest in it. Those who do so experience His joy, His power, His direction and protection, as well as His peace in knowing that they are pleasing God with their faith. Faith will lighten your load and loosen your lips - if you'll let it!

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2000 Pamela A. Iannello
Revised 2003 Meet Ms. Pam

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