Selected, Surprised and Submissive

21 min read

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Rise and Shine for Jesus

These weekly devotionals I will be posting come from and are copyright to Pam Iannello, my pastor's late wife who went home to be with the Lord on June 18, 2008.

I'm going to start posting these twice a week instead of once a week. I'm going to try to get to them on Sundays and Wednesdays. I don't know about you but I can't wait a week to get to them. Let me know in a comment if you like this better or not.

I appologize for any difficulties in locating past devotionals. The devotional index is now fixed and will take you to the desired devotion.

If you've ever wrestled with God's plan for your life, this series is for you! Based on the book of Luke and the lives of Zacharias, Elisabeth, Mary & Joseph.

Selected, Surprised & Submissive

This devotion is part of the "The Wonder Of It All" series.

Luke 1:25 (KJV)
Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men.

As Elizabeth closes her testimony of how God dealt with her, we will continue on in Luke chapter one and learn about how God dealt with her cousin Mary. Isn’t it a blessing to be able to read the Word of God and glean the nature of the Lord’s doings? I find that it sheds much needed light upon the way the Lord is dealing with me!

As we open with verses 26-27 of chapter one, it's interesting that Luke, who had the heart of a loving physician, would write such detailed accounts of the birth of two important babies. He presents a sensitive and clear picture of the lives of all involved, and he emphasizes later on Christ's sympathy for hurting people. It was Luke's heartbeat to be in touch with the sensitivities of others and I am sure that Elisabeth and Mary opened up to him, sharing their hearts fears, joys, concerns and wonder at the miracles that had taken place within their bodies!

And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.

The angel Gabriel, once again, has the enjoyable responsibility of delivering another of God's special messages. I wonder if his enthusiasm was dampened after the reaction he had received from Zacharias when he delivered him good news? How could Gabriel NOT be energized over announcing this news, for it was to be the message of the upcoming birth of the Son of God!! What a wonderful message to transport, amen?! What a special mission! What a privilege to deliver this glorious message! No doubt the angels in heaven were standing joyfully by, sending Gabriel off on his journey while singing hallelujah praises to God! I could sit here all day and speculate how marvelous this mission must have been for Gabriel, but one thing is clear to me most of all...

How do WE feel about bringing the good news of Jesus to others?? Does it excite us? Or is it a chore? Do we look forward to it or do we dread every moment? Do we look for opportunities to speak of the good news of God or do we make every attempt to avoid them? Do we care if we are properly representing our King in the way we appear when we are delivering the good news of salvation, or do we just have the attitude of, "What you see, is what you get!" Think about it ladies, what kind of an angel would you or would you not listen to if one was bringing you a message from God? What would your criteria be in determining whether or not you would listen to him and the message he had? What do you think the world looks for in YOU when you witness to them? Are they only listening to your words or are they seeing a holy testimony as well - your heavenly appearance, your godly behavior and speech, your children's obedient behavior, your happy home life etc.? Yes, it SHOULD matter to us as "message deliverers" for God how we appear to others, for man looks on the outward. You see ladies; man's attention is won or lost by the outward appearance. Are you turning others off to the message of God or on to it? Take some time to think about those that brought you the message of the Lord when you were afar off... What things attracted or distracted you to the Lord in the "message deliverer"? Were you more open to the gospel as a result or closed to it? I realize that the heart of the unbeliever has much to do with whether or not they receive the Word of God, but it should matter on our parts how we bring the good news of God to others, for we are ambassadors for Christ! We ought to appear as if we were sent by GOD, not sent by the world! Is that the case with you dear lady, or are there some things that need to be changed in your life?

2 Cor. 7:1 (KJV)
Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Gabriel's mission sent him to the home of Mary, a young Jewess, a virgin espoused to a carpenter. A humble village woman, Mary was as insignificant as the small town of Nazareth, which she came from. Do you think Gabriel wondered at his destination? Do you think he wondered at the woman to whom he was to deliver this blessed message of the promised Messiah placed by God in her womb? Here he was, all dressed up with no place special to go. What made the woman special and the town she lived in special was the presence of Christ!! They were the Father's choice for His Son...

Luke 1:28 (KJV)
And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

Imagine receiving such an honorable salutation from an angel! How would you respond? Would it go to your head and get stuck there on your pride, or make it's way to your heart and land on the platform of humility... What is Mary's response to his greeting?

Luke 1:29 (KJV)
And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.

Notice that Mary was not troubled at Gabriel's presence, but troubled at his saying. Why was she not troubled that an angel came in unto her? The answer lies in verse 28 where Gabriel said it himself - "The Lord is with thee.." From the very first moment Gabriel encountered Mary, he knew why he had been sent to her. It was obvious by her response she was overwhelmed with God's grace in regarding her as he did. Gabriel had some very nice things to say about Mary, didn't he? Yet she did not swell with pride. This modest virgin would have been the last to claim personal perfection! You see ladies; Mary was a young woman who was close to God. That is the main reason she was highly favored. She abode in the presence of the Lord and He abode with her. Those who spend much time with God come away holy, and humility accompanied Mary's holiness, for she was spiritually fit. She maintained a pure walk with the Lord. Mary kept her heart clean with the Word of God and through confession and repentance. This is precisely the type of vessel that a holy God would choose and use to carry out His work! Are you that kind of a vessel, dear lady? Are you ready at a moment's notice for a job that God has for you to do, or would it take years for you to be prepared and purified? Would you recognize the angel of the Lord because you were intimate with your Savior, or would you shake in your boots for lack of discernment? Mary was not traumatized by the presence of Gabriel because she often enjoyed the fellowship of God on a regular basis…

John 15:5 (KJV)
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Mary cast in her mind what manner of salutation Gabriel had approached her with and took inventory. "Me?" You see, she did not believe there was anything superior about her but knew that God alone was to be highly credited. Mary had not been piously waiting for the day an angel would come to her door to praise her so that she could ask him what took him so long to get there! She knew she had been born in sin like any other woman. Mary knew she had human faults and needed a Savior... How long have you been convinced you are one of God's favorite people because of all your righteousness? Have you fallen prey to your pride, dear lady? Have you been impatiently waiting for God to call upon you for a particularly sacred job so you can be recognized as “highly favored”? Is the Lord leading in all your spiritual assignments or are you plotting your course? To Mary this recognition was a surprise, not something for which she was campaigning. Has God ever surprised you in choosing you for a task that you didn't think you were worthy of carrying out? What do you do when God surprises you with a particular assignment you didn’t orchestrate yourself? Do you argue with Him or cheerfully comply? Let's see how Mary managed her surprise....

Luke 1:30 (KJV)
And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.

Because of her relationship with the Lord, Mary knew in her heart that Gabriel’s appearance meant serious business. His words "fear not" were preparation for the size of the responsibility she sensed she was about to be given. God always instills confidence in His children when He presents us with a significant task. Mary knew that Gabriel hadn't appeared just to praise her, but to give her a message from the Lord and she was reverently waiting upon God’s authority over her life…

Proverbs 10:8a (KJV)
The wise in heart will receive commandments…

Inventory time! Are our hearts readily prepared to receive the business of the Lord? Are we waiting and attentive to the things the Spirit says to us when the Word of God is opened? Are we willing to say yes when those moments come and God speaks straight to us? Do we have that same sober, reverent mindset when it comes to every task that the Lord has for us to do, or only some? Do we, in reverent fear, consider that these tasks, no matter how big or how small, are GOD's work?! Can anybody tell you what to do without you unleashing an ugly attitude or aren’t you that submissive?? Like Mary, you and I should have ready hearts that tremble at the seriousness of God's work. Sometimes the Lord might surprise us with what it is He has for us to do, but we better take those surprises seriously and respond soberly!

Luke 1:31-33 (KJV)
And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Gabriel proceeds to share with Mary the magnitude of the miracle that is to take place within her, to present her with a total picture of God's plan. Ladies, there is a miracle that comes along with every surprise God brings into your life! Will you see it? Will you look for it? You must be spiritually fit for God's surprises so that you can identify the miracles associated with your work. Mary's surprise was that, though she was a virgin and unmarried, she would conceive in her womb and bring forth a son and she was even told to call his name JESUS! Every accompanying detail was taken care of by God. All she had to do was be available...

Genesis 22:11 (KJV)
And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, HERE AM I.

Totally available, hear now my humble prayer
Totally available to Jesus anywhere.
Totally available, I give myself anew
Totally available, the will of God to do.

Totally available, my life with Him is sealed
Totally available, each hour to Him I yield.
Totally available, this is the song I sing
Totally available to Jesus Christ my King.
(David Gordon McIntyre)

Certainly in those days such news of becoming pregnant would come as a shock to most, but because Mary was spiritually fit for this surprise, she saw the miracle of it first, then the seriousness of it. Therefore, she did not argue with God! There were no questions of doubt or unbelief on this young woman's part at all! What a contrast for Gabriel to observe compared to when he delivered a similar message to Zacharias! Gabriel must have been overjoyed at Mary's reception to God's surprise! Can we be that same kind of an encouragement to the angels when they observe the surprises that God brings into our lives and our response to them? The key here with Mary was that God already had her heart, hence, it was no problem for her to yield her body to Him! This is what makes handling God's surprises so simple! Your heart must be yielded and ready... Are YOU totally available?

Luke 1:34 (KJV)
Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

Here Mary simply asks an intelligent question of Gabriel now that she has received her task. You see, she understood WHAT would happen, but not HOW it would happen. Mary was a young girl, yielded and willing to serve her Lord and she had an honest, pure question. It was not born of unbelief but was simply an expression of her faith. She believed God's promise but did not understand the performance, how it was to be carried out. True submission always wants to know what to do next. How could a virgin give birth to a child??

Luke 1:35 (KJV)
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Gabriel knew Mary's heart was pure in her question, so he carefully explains how it would all take place. Remember Zacharias question was, "How shall I KNOW....” while Mary's question is, "How shall this BE?" Ladies, the questions you put to the Lord will reveal your heart's condition to His will! Do you really want to know what the next step is, or do you just want to squabble with Him?? If you've never examined your questions to the Lord, perhaps you should take some time to do so today!

Luke 1:36 (KJV)
And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.

Gabriel also gives Mary some added encouragement as he shares with her that her cousin Elisabeth was also miraculously with child. How good God is to give this young woman an older woman with whom to go through the same experience! Mary would not be alone in this task that lies ahead of her, she had the company of an older, wiser woman to aid her. Ladies, there is such a great need for this in the church today! Sad to say, the older women are not the sober-minded examples they should be to the younger. Such valuable women are getting harder and harder to find. If God has provided you one, hold on tightly to her, for she will be a great encouragement to you in the tasks that God has for you to carry out! And younger women, seek their counsel, be respectful of a wise woman’s wisdom, though you may not presently agree with or understand her spiritual guidance. Otherwise, you will lose out on the strength and help God has sent your way! May we all pray that God would pair up ladies in the same way He has Elisabeth and Mary, and see to it that we fulfill our godly responsibilities to one another!

Titus 2:3-5 (KJV)
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

Gabriel's last words of encouragement to Mary are found in verse 37, which further reveal God's power, tying her even more closely to Elisabeth and His sufficient grace....

For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Ladies, God is in control of disappointments AND surprises! What will carry Elisabeth and Mary to the finish line is the fact that GOD is able! It is not human nature that gets supernatural tasks done; it is Divine nature. Gabriel's job had been completed while Mary's had just begun... I'm sure that Gabriel will always remember the "special delivery" he made that day to the modest virgin in the humble little town of Nazareth. What an encouragement it must have been to his heart to have Mary respond so willingly and obediently to that surprise announcement! Mary's last words to the angel of the Lord were, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."

They parted company encouraging one another... How do you typically part company with people?? Does your conversation elevate Christ? May it be the way God intends it to be - with His will carried out and His Word obeyed and honored!

In review, we can look back and see that Mary was first selected, then surprised and then submissive. She submitted to the Lord's surprise knowing full well that there would be countless others that would be just as amazed as she was by this announcement, if not more so! Let's start with her fiancée, for instance... Wouldn't Joseph be more than a bit surprised to know his virgin was with child?? Don't you think Mary must have considered how her beloved espoused would receive this startling information? It could mean the end of their relationship! What about her family and the people of Nazareth where she lived, how would the folks in this small town receive the blow this shocking news would bring?? Would anyone believe Mary and see the miracle behind her circumstances? In spite of all the unknown answers to the possible questions that may have gone through her mind, Mary readily submitted her body to God's plan, for her heart already belonged to her Savior! No doubt she would cling many a time to the Lord's Words of encouragement conveyed to her by Gabriel; "For with God nothing shall be impossible."

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2000 Pamela A. Iannello
Revised 2003 Meet Ms. Pam

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