Great Things He Hath Done!

17 min read

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Rise and Shine for Jesus

These weekly devotionals I will be posting come from and are copyright to Pam Iannello, my pastor's late wife who went home to be with the Lord on June 18, 2008.

I'm going to start posting these twice a week instead of once a week. I'm going to try to get to them on Sundays and Wednesdays. I don't know about you but I can't wait a week to get to them. Let me know in a comment if you like this better or not.

I appologize for any difficulties in locating past devotionals. The devotional index is now fixed and will take you to the desired devotion.

If you've ever wrestled with God's plan for your life, this series is for you! Based on the book of Luke and the lives of Zacharias, Elisabeth, Mary & Joseph.

Great Things He Hath Done!

This devotion is part of the "The Wonder Of It All" series.

As we continue on in the book of Luke 1:39-45 today, we will be joining Mary in her visit with cousin Elisabeth as they both discuss the miraculous news that Gabriel, the angel of the Lord, brought into both their lives....

Luke 1:39-40 (KJV)
And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda; [40] And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth.

Scripture describes Mary as wasting no time to get to Elisabeth's house, no doubt to share good news and hear good news. Not a bad reason for two godly women to get together, amen ladies?? I am sure that though Mary made this journey many times before to her cousin's house, the trip seemed to take much longer this time than in times past! It probably seemed like eternity to Mary who was bursting with various thoughts and emotions as her mind went from topic to topic in regard to both of their circumstances. The wonder of it all! Oh, how she needed someone with whom to talk and rejoice!! What better person than her older cousin Elisabeth, who also had experienced the miraculous hand of God in her life...

Do you have someone like that in your life, dear lady? Is there someone that you choose to rejoice with when God has done a mighty work in you? Is there someone specific that you know will understand the way you feel about the miracle that has happened to you? There is nothing more frustrating than having something spiritually wonderful take place in your heart between you and your Lord and when upon sharing it with another, they just aren't able to comprehend God's awesome power or even rejoice with you over the situation. Now for the important question...

Are YOU someone that others choose to come to when they have a need to share and rejoice over what God has done for them? Are YOU someone that they KNOW has experienced the hand of God in your life and will understand what they are going through? Are YOU someone who will respond joyfully and reverently to the miracles of God in the life of another? Ladies, it is important that we are found approachable with such important things and that our testimony gives birth to respect toward the Lord! Certainly you wouldn't want to be known as a magnet for complainers or gossips, those who need an ear to discuss bad news, fully understanding that God hates such behavior...

Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Notice in our opening text that when Mary finally arrived and entered Elisabeth's presence, she saluted her. This young woman respectfully acknowledged her cousin with a proper greeting, mindful of her own behavior, as well as Elisabeth's position as an older woman, not to mention a family member. Ladies, do you approach those who are older than you with respect? Do you train your children to?? Do you treat family members with respect when you gather with them, or are you allowing familiarity to breed contempt? Why not purpose in your heart to create a family heirloom of longstanding goodness and fidelity and close any disrespectful gaps that may exist between you and your loved ones… Certainly if God is the center of your life, your relationship with the Lord will properly determine your behavior toward others, no matter who they are!

Proverbs 27:10 (KJV)
Thine own friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not; neither go into thy brother's house in the day of thy calamity: for better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off.

Cousin Elisabeth was someone Mary trusted and relied upon to uphold the things of the Lord. Apparently God trusted her too, otherwise, why would He arrange for the two of these family members to have a joint part in His plan for bringing His Son into the world? Attitudes toward the Lord can (and should!) spread properly among family members.... Elisabeth and Mary were women related to one another that God could count on to be faithful to His Word and work. They were a support system to one another and kept
each other in the faith. What a great influence to possess! What do you think the mood was in Elisabeth's home during the time that Mary visited? Do you think it was like Christmas around the house? Do you think there was a song in the air that filled every room with praise to God from floor to ceiling? I imagine that laughter, bubbling forth from an expectant heart, replaced the silence that was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Perhaps the house was full of activity like it had never been before, bustling with anticipation of new life! No doubt it appeared as if a fresh coat of paint had been applied on every wall, giving it a bright, new, clean look. Certainly it was filled with sunshine now, where once only a cloud had hung heavily in the air, leaving the moisture of tears upon Elisabeth's bed. Could it be there were baby things everywhere and clothes lying about in preparation of the little bundle that would soon fill those tiny garments with life and love? In all probability Elisabeth's arms were beginning to ache with desire to finally hold her baby, a child she and Zacharias had waited for so long. What a blessed atmosphere, amen?

By the way, how's the atmosphere of your home these days? Are folks eager to enter your home, are they equally blessed by the mood when they arrive? Just a thought! Now, back to our story where in walks Mary and saluted Elisabeth....

Luke 1:41 & 42 (KJV)
And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Upon Mary's entrance in the home, Elisabeth knew by the way her baby leaped in her own womb, and by the witness of the Holy Spirit, that Mary's womb was cradling the Savior! Mary did not even have the chance to tell Elisabeth, did not even have to open her mouth to share what had happened to her! Nor had Gabriel come to tell Elisabeth that Mary was with child.... The presence of the Lord spoke for itself and witnessed of the miracle within Mary, bringing a spiritual perception in Elisabeth and causing her to emphatically say that Mary was BLESSED! This was nothing for Mary to be ashamed of, for she was blessed by the wonderful surprise plan of God - blessed because of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ!

What significance do you think it had for Mary that Elizabeth already knew the importance of Mary's baby? In light of her natural concern for how others would receive her being with child, it must have been a great comfort to Mary to discover already how capably the Lord was taking care of all the details of her present situation! It just goes to show us that there are things said better by the Lord than we could ever say. How many times have you opened your mouth to say what only God should say, only to make a mess of things? How many times have you thought that if you don't say something, this person will never learn the truth, they need to hear it from YOU! Ladies, it is prideful of us to underestimate the voice and power of God. We ought to leave more things with Him to say to others. The Lord shares truth the best and clearest of all! Is there something specific you've been dying to share with another person that would be better left with the Lord to say?? In our haste, we steal God's job away from Him and at times, even misrepresent His message! You see ladies, this news was God's special news, and HE wanted to be the first one to tell Elisabeth. Be careful when engaging with others in conversation that you aren't speaking what belongs to God to say to that person. Don't steal His glory...

Incidentally, Elisabeth wisely stated that Mary was blessed AMONG women - not ABOVE women. It is sad to see that so often Mary is lifted up as if she were as perfect as Christ, and yet she herself knew this was not so! She was blessed because God found her worthy as a vessel through whom He could carry out His plan, to provide human life to His Son and entry into this world through her body. Remember, Mary was a vessel meet for the Master's use and submissive to the Lord's surprises! And ladies, you and I have can have that same blessing upon our lives if we would but yield to our God as readily as Mary did...

Vs. 43:
And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

On Mary’s arrival, Elisabeth was conscious of the approach the one who was to be the mother of the great Redeemer. Though an older woman, Elisabeth still addresses this younger woman with respect and admiration for God's hand upon her life. How does it feel to be genuinely complimented by someone older than you? Certainly it was a great encouragement to Mary to have Elisabeth praise the work of God in her young life! It confirmed in her heart that it was right and good and brought forth gratitude and joy in Mary's heart. Ladies, do you see how the presence of the Lord in our lives determines the way we treat and speak to one another?? Do you see how sweet the results are when we operate under the influence of the Holy Spirit? Yes, even family members can get along with one another when this is the case! In humility, Elisabeth was blessed that Mary would come to rejoice with her, to spend time with her. She was humbled that the Lord would come into her presence by way of Mary's body. At this moment in time, these two women were sharing the miracle the world would soon know of. They stood together filled with wonder, praise and joy in the Lord. Imagine being privileged at God letting you in on the beginnings of such a miracle as the Savior coming into the world! Those who see their need of Christ as Mary and Elisabeth did and are desirous of living righteously He fills with the best things; and they are abundantly satisfied with the blessings the Lord gives them. Because they both believed the Word of God, they experienced the power of God!

Vs. 44:
For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

Who was responsible for this abundant joy? Jesus! HE was responsible for the joy that filled the chambers of these ladies hearts, the chambers of the house! Yes, Jesus was responsible for the joy that was present even in the heart of baby John, still in his mother's womb, for he also knew that he was in the presence of the Lord! Ladies, there is not a place on earth that Jesus cannot fill with joy!! The fullness of the Spirit should lead to joyful praise in our lives and so should fullness of the Word. Others will see our joy and know that it comes from the presence of God. It will have a far-reaching and powerful effect on all in whom it comes in contact.

Isn't it remarkable that such joy could come from two sets of circumstances that the world would consider doomed? Elisabeth was experiencing joy born out of disappointment. Mary was experiencing joy born out of a shocking plan. Both were seemingly impossible situations - when viewed with human eyes, that is! Yet abundant joy is born in both, when the circumstances are given to the Lord and those in the circumstances are yielded to the Lord! Are you missing joy in your circumstances today, dear lady? Have you yielded yourself to the Lord and His plan for your life? Have you accepted His will and submitted yourself to His sovereignty? Joy is yours when you do!

Romans 15:13 (KJV)
Now the God of hope fill you with joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

What a precious time of fellowship these two women must have had together!! I expect they just sat and talked and prayed and praised God and then sat quietly again and mused over the wonder of it all. I can picture them glancing at each other after periods of quiet reflection and bursting forth again with the joy of laughter and amazement at the hand of God in each of their lives as they started again to talk and share and rejoice anew!

Verse 45:
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

Yes, Mary believed and trusted the Word of God and the very performance of it was unfolding before her very eyes. How about you, dear lady? Have you seen a performance of the promises from the Word of God? Trust is the key. If you aren't trusting God's Word, you will never see a performance of them! You see, Mary's blessings were according to her faith. If you haven't been blessed in a while, your faith probably isn't doing too well! Are you filled with doubt and unbelief these days? Or are you filled with praise to God, singing, laughter - JOY!! That's exactly what it's like to be filled with the Spirit. Would you fit into the conversation with Elisabeth and Mary, or would you feel out of place? What spiritual contribution would you make to their discussion?? Remember, trust in God brings joy; joy fills your heart, loosens those lips and brings praise and glory to God!

Psalm 126:2 (KJV)
Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them.

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2000 Pamela A. Iannello
Revised 2003 Meet Ms. Pam

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