Back From Bethlehem

18 min read

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Rise and Shine for Jesus

These weekly devotionals I will be posting come from and are copyright to Pam Iannello, my pastor's late wife who went home to be with the Lord on June 18, 2008.

If you've ever wrestled with God's plan for your life, this series is for you! Based on the book of Luke and the lives of Zacharias, Elisabeth, Mary & Joseph.

Back From Bethlehem

This devotion is part of the "The Wonder Of It All" series.

As we conclude our study with Luke 2:15 today, we're going to follow the shepherds and observe how they have begun their journey of faith since the angel's announcement of the glorious birth of Christ....

And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

It sounds like their faith was getting off to a healthy start, doesn't it? What an awesome experience the shepherds just had out there in that field! What good news they had just received from the Lord of heaven!! If you had been with the shepherds on the night Christ was born, what would you have done after the angels left? Just gone home and gone to bed?? What did these shepherds do with such good news - just keep it to themselves? Should their faith's journey begin and end in the same place? Certainly not! You see ladies; the shepherds received the Word of God into their hearts in full belief. Truth is a motivator; the more you know, the more you WANT to know! Hence, they wanted to see the Savior with their own eyes, to be assured they could rest in the record given to them by the angel.

Romans 15:4 (KJV)
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

While we're on the subject, how determined are YOU to see the Savior for yourself?? Have you proven God's Word in your life since receiving the good news of salvation? Have you stepped out by faith and found it to be a firm foundation, or have you hesitated in doing so? Are you afraid it might not be true, or afraid that it will be true and you might have to do something more with it? Think about it, ladies....

The shepherds would have to prepare for their journey of faith, amen? They couldn't just up and go; they had to set things in order first and make special arrangements for the care of their sheep. However, these details did not hinder them from taking the trip altogether! They were also not discouraged by the distance of the expedition... I'm not sure how far Bethlehem was from where they were when they received the announcement of Jesus birth from the angel, but it was probably not just around the corner, for they were out in the fields with the sheep. Regardless of the obstacles, these humble shepherds were willing to do what was necessary to draw closer to the Lord. They diligently and eagerly set out to find the signs the angel mentioned - the swaddling clothes and the manger that would prove their search for the Savior was successful!

Jeremiah 29:13 (KJV)
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Yes, these shepherds responded to God's Word by setting out to prove the Word of the Lord with great enthusiasm and great anticipation. Is that how you started in on your journey of faith? Were you hopeful or hesitant? Is ALL your heart in your search for Christ, or only a small portion? Have you responded to God's Word as wholeheartedly as these shepherds? Or are you just a hearer and not a doer of the Word? Have you allowed some obstacles to set you back, embraced some lame excuses, stopping your search for Christ altogether? You see, when you truly RECEIVE the Word of God by faith, there will be an IMMEDIATE RESPONSE of your faith...

Luke 2:16 (KJV)
And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.

Can you picture the zeal with which these shepherds entered the presence of the Savior? These guys were energized! They didn’t lazily saunter in as we do when attending church on Sunday, the shepherds rushed in because they expected to see the validity of God's Word. The Bible says they came with haste - not a moment of time was wasted! Oh, how much time we squander in coming to the feet of Jesus!! We put it off and put it off and soon it is not a priority anymore! We drag ourselves into God’s presence not really expecting to find anything spectacular when we get there! Hence, we give God our leftovers and not the firstfruits of our time. How convicting to discover these lowly shepherds couldn't wait to enter the holy presence of Christ!

Psalm 119:60 (KJV)
I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.

What did the excited shepherds find in that stable? Exactly what the Word of God said they would find - the Savior, preciously and lovingly wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying blissfully in a manger! Can you imagine the joy, the strength and the peace the shepherds must have sensed in that moment when they saw the Word of God in the flesh?! Jesus was real, and their eyes were feasting upon His appearance!! At that very moment, their faith in God was firmly established - but not until they had set out to prove the Word of God!! You see ladies; some effort was required on the shepherd’s part to find out if God would do what He said in His Word. How strong would their faith be if they had just remained in the field after the angels disappeared and never set out on their journey, never acting upon the information given them? Does your faith need strengthening today, dear lady? Have you received AND responded to the Word of God? I can tell you this much, your faith will not increase until you step out and walk by it! Put forth some fervent effort and prove the Lord! Prove your own self too. It's time we placed some signs of faith in our lives for others to notice and in turn, find the Savior themselves!

Luke 2:17 (KJV)
And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

It seems a natural reaction when your faith is strengthened to automatically proclaim that the Lord can be trusted. This verse tells us that "when they had seen it" the shepherds made it known. These fellows didn't postpone their declaration; they reacted right away and spoke up; they REPORTED the findings of their faith. How long at times do you and I wait to speak of the Lord and His faithfulness in our lives? How long do we hesitate to share the good news of Christ with others? Long enough for someone to end up in hell?! How is it we can draw near to Christ and then never declare what we have found in Him?? I say we need to join the shepherds in their enthusiasm for sharing the things of God!

Psalm 73:28 (KJV)
But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.

Everything that God had told them via the angel, everything that they had seen for themselves regarding Jesus that was true was made known ABROAD. That was God's plan all along. In Luke 2:10 the angel told the shepherds that these good tidings of great joy shall be to ALL people, and the shepherds were being used to make this announcement public. Are you being used to make the gospel known? The shepherds realized it was their God-given responsibility; therefore they were good stewards of God's Word. To whom much is given, much will be required… Have you really seen Jesus for yourself, dear lady? Have you accepted Him as your personal Savior? If so, then it is your responsibility to tell others that you have found Him and explain how they can find Jesus too! How can we witness the manger scene with our own eyes and then walk away tight lipped?? Join the shepherds in heralding the good news of Christ's birth, won't you? Be a good steward of the truth with which you have been blessed! I imagine the shepherds left Jesus presence awestruck and excited, running through the streets of Bethlehem singing the same song they heard the angels sing earlier that night to them in the field, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!"

Luke 2:18 (KJV)
And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

What kind of reactions did the shepherds get when they notified everybody what had happened that night? This typically disregarded class of citizens had captured the attention of everyone now! As we said before, the shepherds were known as watchmen, with a keen awareness for danger and deception, traits necessary in the work they carried out daily as overseers of the sheep. They were humble, hard workers. They were a practical people and not easily fooled. When folks witnessed their enthusiasm, when they heard them share the awesome details of Christ's birth, people knew they weren't kidding! They listened and then wondered at the miracle of the shepherd's story. No doubt city folk marveled that the glory of the Lord should shine upon such country bumpkins. I wonder if those who listened to the shepherd's account were envious of them. I wonder if a few spectators secretly wished that they could experience the Lord the way the lowly shepherds did. Certainly the hearts of some individuals were stimulated upon hearing the good news of the Savior proclaimed so joyfully, stirring their yearning for faith in God as well...

John 12:32 (KJV)
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

In what ways can you renew your enthusiasm for the message of Jesus' birth? Would the story of your journey of faith capture the listening ear of others and point them to the Savior? Would they want what you have in your walk with God? Is your faith a magnet that draws others into their own faith in God and His Word? Ladies, sharing our faith is a privilege as well as an obligation. Don't be stingy with it! I like what verse 19 says:

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

What an encouragement to Mary and Joseph's faith the shepherds must have been! You see, this couple had no idea the shepherds were coming to see Jesus. Mary hadn't had time to send out any birth announcements, nor did she know anyone in town! As the shepherds arrived upon the divine scene with spiritual gusto, Mary surely couldn’t help but ponder the way the Lord was informing the world of the birth of Christ, how His Word was unfolding before her very eyes. It was a miraculous hour in the history of the world and here in this stable, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds were rejoicing together - perfect strangers meeting at the feet of Christ and united in heart!! What a great work God was doing! No doubt Mary must have been awestruck in knowing the shepherds even knew where to find her! She wasn't in the wrong place after all!! Giving birth in this stable was no accident; she and Joseph were in God's perfect will, for God had directed them all to this very stable at this very hour.... What a wonder!

Psalm 37:23a (KJV)
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord…

Ladies, sometimes we have a tendency to think that because the circumstances of life seem less than desirable or even inappropriate at the time, that we must not be in God's perfect will. However, if we would just walk by faith and not by sight, trusting in the Lord and waiting upon Him, we'll discover that He was there all the time, in complete control of everything! How else could these shepherds know precisely where to find Mary, Joseph and the babe?? There were numerous stables in Bethlehem! How else could these shepherds, whom they had never met before, know exactly WHO her baby was - that He was the Savior sent from God?! How amazing God was and how personal of Him to send a lonely young couple some enthusiastic company, some dedicated folks to cheer and encourage them in their walk with God and who understood and respected their calling! Yes, as Mary pondered these things, the Bible says she kept them in her heart. She took note of everything God was doing and tucked it all away for future meditation.

So then, have you kept your faith in a safe place, embedded deep within your heart, creating for yourself a spiritual well to draw from again and again? Have you ever extracted your memoirs with God and pondered over all the things He has done for you? Or have you been careless with His doings, let them slip, and forgotten them along the way? Keep the doings of the Lord in your heart for they will strengthen your reliance upon Him as you look back on them!! Ponder them often, for we serve an amazing God!! Such practice will keep your faith energized and prevent you from walking by sight…

Luke 2:20 (KJV)
And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, AS IT WAS TOLD THEM.

Yes, the shepherds humbly returned to their duties, new men going back to the same old job. Yet, there was something different about them. FAITH had been added to their lives! Faith brings a new light upon our duties and responsibilities, a new purpose to everything we do, amen ladies? It has also added some praise to the shepherd’s lips and brought glory to God - all because they received, responded and reported exactly what they had heard and seen from God's Word. The Lord wanted them to return differently! You see ladies; our God doesn't want anyone to get a glimpse of His precious Son, just to remain the same! Nor does the Lord want His story distorted, twisted, exaggerated or subtracted from, as the newer Bible versions do! He wants it shared precisely as it was delivered - pure and full of truth – as it was told! Because the Lord wanted to bring about a change in the shepherds lives and in the whole world as well, He rerouted them to do so. He drew them into Christ's presence to change them forever and then sent them back to their friends and families unlike they had ever been before!

2 Cor. 5:17 (KJV)
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Incidentally, have you remained the same since meeting Jesus face to face? Hopefully there has been a change in your life since coming to Christ. Have you allowed God to add to your faith? Or have you plugged up the whole process and resisted Him drawing you out of your comfort zone into a place that you aren't interested in visiting?? You won't be able to strengthen your faith apart from yielding to God's plan for your life no matter how irrational or taxing it seems to be! Mary and Joseph were led to an unknown stable in Bethlehem... Because of that leading, the shepherds were strengthened in their faith by discovering Christ at that very same place. In turn, Mary and Joseph's faith was strengthened through their obedience to the Lord's plan for their lives.

As we conclude this series, having observed the wonder of it all, whose faith could you be hindering by not allowing the Lord to use you as He sees fit? Remember, your own faith stands to suffer as well. Do more than "hear" the Word of God ladies, receive it wholeheartedly, and then obediently respond to it as these shepherds did and as Mary and Joseph did prior to them! These folk didn't come back from Bethlehem empty - they came back full! They were overflowing with faith and enthusiasm for the truth. What a great way to face a new year…

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2000 Pamela A. Iannello
Revised 2003  Meet Ms. Pam

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BlaineKatsura's avatar
Amazing! Sunday was really awesome for me! Every single song and the sermon that was delivered by my pastor really spoke to me! When I am weak, God proves to be the strongest! I can't even begin to describe how assuring God's reminder to all of us who believe is in Hebrews 13:5 :D ! I'm not a lady, but I really thought I should share this. Even yesterday, God answered my prayer and I was able to go to a Bible study with one of my brothers in Christ!