A Greater Supper

11 min read

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The Shocking Message

Rise and Shine for Jesus

These weekly devotionals I will be posting come from and are copyright to Pam Iannello, my pastor's late wife who went home to be with the Lord on June 18, 2008. They were written by a Godly lady for other ladies young and old so that their walk with the Lord may be strengthened.

Used with permission from New Beginnings Baptist Church.

A Greater Supper

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I was surprised to learn that the definition for an excuse is defined as that which justifies a fault. Why was I surprised? Because as human beings we make use of excuses all the time, deceiving ourselves into thinking they are legitimate reasons for neglect of duty when they are not… Surprise! By employing excuses, you are only attempting to justify your errors. You are simply trying to cover your inability to comply. In a nutshell, it's rebellion, and the Bible says he that covereth his sins shall not prosper.

He that excuses himself accuses himself.

What kinds of excuses do you most resent others using? "My stomach was upset; I had another bad headache; I've been working so hard; My boss requires it; I'm just too tired; I don't know how." The list is endless and can be very creative! Certainly such defense mechanisms have been put to use in a variety of settings. Since entering the ministry, my husband and I have been exposed to millions of excuses as to why people don't come to church. (How many of you employed one last night to cover for your error in staying home from Wednesday evening church service?) I wonder though, do you think any of these might be excuses that GOD resents His people using??

Luke 14:16-20
Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: [17] And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. [18] And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. [19] And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused. [20] And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.

Who is that "certain man" who made a great supper referring to? Why, the Lord, of course! He gives the man of God that He has placed in the pulpit a meal to serve to lost folk and church family. The "them that were bidden" could also be applied to brothers and sisters in the Lord. Ladies, if you are a Christian, you are bidden by God to come to the supper table at an appointed time - when all things are ready! How has your "meal attendance" been of late? Where are you usually found when all things are ready? When it gets close to suppertime at our house, my children are usually lingering closely by the dining room with a hearty appetite, eager to be called to the table! Mothers, are you in the habit of allowing your children to excuse themselves from the dinner table for flimsy excuses? I hope not! Then why is it okay for YOU to absent yourself in childlike fashion from what God calls a great supper? The Bible says above He sent His man, thereby giving him authority to call YOU to the table. Do you not believe in coming when God calls you?? As I said, it's rebellion to employ excuses - and God resents it!

Luke 14:21
So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

How did the master find out about the excuses? The servant told Him! Yes, when you don't come to the table, you can be assured your pastor will talk to God about your absence. As a pastor's wife, I can tell you that from firsthand experience! "Lord, there were six missing at the table who turned down the opportunity to eat what you gave me to feed them." Ladies, Scripture says it isn't right for family members to forsake the assembling of themselves together and when the shepherd notices a lack of compliance in the sheep, He discusses this serious issue with the Master. Do you like knowing your pastor has to talk to God about your errors and unwillingness to obey God's will in coming to the supper table when all things are ready? Your creative excuses are padding you with a false sense of security, for as the Bible clearly shows above, your behavior makes God angry!

I found it interesting in this parable that the master's response included nothing about coaxing the absentees to the table. Just let them go without; let them feast on their traditional excuses! A special meal is not going to be prepared for their tastes nor is feeding time going to be on their terms. Many Christians think they can skip church and get a "great" personal devotion at home to fill their spiritual hunger, but God says, "Sorry - great suppers are served in MY house, not yours!" He simply advises His servant to replace the original invitees by inviting folks that want to be there! God isn't going to save your seat at the table, my dear, He is going to fill it with another body! As they say - if you snooze, you lose!

Luke 14:22-24
And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. [23] And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. [24] For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.

I don't know about you, but if I lost my seat at a great supper because of a series of stupid excuses, I'd be pretty upset with myself! Ladies, there are special things you miss out on whenever you bow out of your seat at God's table. Yes, you can get the tape and listen to the message, but it's not the same as being gathered in GOD'S house around HIS table with other family members, identifying with those in attendance. The Holy Spirit fills the atmosphere, walking around serving everyone something special on his or her own plate. I don't mind telling you that my appetite increases when I see others eat. It's no fun eating alone; great suppers should enjoyed by many, not just a few! God would have every seat filled. In times past, I can remember occasions when I excused myself from dinner at home and it was usually when my husband and I were fighting. Once in a while, even my children have been reluctant to come to the table at mealtime because they did not want to sit next to a sibling they shared a disagreement with. We cut ourselves off from so much nourishment when we behave in such a prideful manner!

In closing, YOU are on God's guest list - will you refuse Him and remove your name or come when all things are ready? Whatever the case may be, there is rarely a great enough excuse to neglect partaking of a great supper. Comply with God's wishes and come; humbly seat yourself at His table in His house, bringing an appetite for authority with you!

God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2002 Pamela A. IannelloMeet Ms. Pam

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