The Shocking MessageRise and Shine for Jesus
These weekly devotionals I will be posting come from and are copyright to Pam Iannello, my pastor's late wife who went home to be with the Lord on June 18, 2008. They were written by a Godly lady for other ladies young and old so that their walk with the Lord may be strengthened.
Used with permission from New Beginnings Baptist Church.
A Great While Before
Mark 1:35 (KJV)
And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
AND IN THE MORNING (first light, daybreak, sunrise)
RISING UP A GREAT WHILE BEFORE DAY (rose well before the sun)
HE WENT OUT (made bed, brushed teeth, got dressed)
AND DEPARTED INTO A SOLITARY PLACE (private place to be alone)
AND THERE PRAYED (supreme purpose and need to talk to God at length before talking to anyone else and before daily duties began)
A lot of Christians don't mind spending time with the Lord at church on Sundays, reading the Word of God along with the preacher and joining him in prayer at certain points during the worship service. BUT, how many actually bring God home with them, incorporating Bible reading and prayer into their lives on a day-by-day basis?
Notice by this verse that Jesus did not plan for His quiet time to cross over into His daily tasks. As a matter of fact, Christ purposely made sure that He afforded Himself a large period of time to spend with His heavenly Father. It wasn't a meeting that Jesus wanted to rush into or rush out of… Are you of the same mind?
I'd also like you to note the verbs in this portion of scripture. (Rising, Went, Departed, Prayed.) Christ was active exceedingly early in the morning – physically and mentally. Getting up was not a chore; it was a pleasure because of WHO He was going to meet! Perhaps our ability to rise early with the right attitude is always a struggle due to a lack of DESIRE to spend time with God. Many Christians rise so late there is nothing to do but jump into their duties, having wasted a great while before day catering to their flesh in slumber!
Moreover, as Jesus made His way to a solitary place for prayer at such an hour when the sun was not risen, the occasion for fear to enter into one's heart would be greater in the dark than at any other time of day. Even so, Jesus love and longing for God pushed aside all fear. AND envy too… A private setting also provides us an opportunity to speak to God as our concerns warrant, without being disturbed or causing a disturbance to those who may still be sleeping. As you endeavor to rise early, do you envy the sleepers or do the sleepers envy you? Are you fonder of your bed or your heavenly Father? Jesus rose up, went out, and departed – He distanced Himself from His bed to meet with God!
How pleased would you be if someone you deeply loved entered your presence with a lethargic, reluctant attitude and an unenthusiastic countenance similar to the one you approach God with early in the morning, if at all? Would you feel like baring your soul to one who obviously had other things they'd rather be doing? I know I wouldn't feel too important if my husband exhibited such posture during our date time! Yet, that is precisely how we treat the Lord when we drag our bodies out of bed and greet Him with an apathetic fog hovering over our entire being. Don't expect the Lord to share His deepest secrets with you if your heart isn't in your date with God!
Yet, in following Christ's eager, early-morning example, believers can tap into the strength of the Lord and gain the grace and wisdom needed to meet the numerous requirements of the day – known and unknown. Events expected and unexpected can be met with the peace and power of God rather than our flesh – IF we rise up a great while before day with Divine design in mind!
Does your life reflect Christ's priorities? What role do you think solitude should have in a Christian's life? Based on Jesus ministry, do you think there is any benefit to getting up a great while before day to spend time with the Lord? If so, why don't you do the same?? Based on your stewardship of this segment of your day, what could others assume is your life's purpose?
Psalm 5:3 (KJV)
My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.
Here the psalmist is making a commitment to the Lord before he goes to bed. He is pledging to rise up in the morning, pray, and seek God's face. Making a promise to "look up" certainly can't be done with the eyes closed in sleep; hence, this is a determination to be physically, mentally, and spiritually alert and active at an early hour. Believers love the fact that God's Word is packed full of promises made to us, but have you ever thought to make God a promise of like passion concerning this matter? Would you vow to the Lord that He WILL hear your voice every morning of your life? Will you purpose in your heart to let God occupy first place in your thoughts and actions each day? No doubt it will be much easier for the Lord to possess our hearts all day long if we give Him our waking moments!
Philip. 2:5 (KJV)
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
In conclusion, the Bible teaches that we must have the same disposition as our Savior. Yes, even when it comes to rising up a great while before day! Are you letting this mind be in you, or are you tightly holding to your own way of thinking? Outlook determines outcome… We'll find it natural to walk in Jesus steps and with His same attitude when we have Christ's mind! How close is Christ's life to being reproduced in you? Are you spending your mornings the way Jesus did and with the same eager spirit? How would your heavenly Father answer that question?
God Bless,
Isaiah 60:1&2
Copyright 2004 Pamela A. Iannello
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