Join the Waiting List for DeviantArt Eclipse by danlev, journal
Join the Waiting List for DeviantArt Eclipse
UPDATE: Eclipse is now released to all deviants! Click the "Eclipse" toggle on the top navigation to try Eclipse.
Thanks to the efforts of AriBanks and her supporters, you’ve gotten a glimpse of DeviantArt Eclipse. So now you probably want in? We’re stoked that you want access to the new redesign and to experience DeviantArt in dark or light.
To get DeviantArt Eclipse:
Favourite this journal
Comment below (and while you’re at it, feel free to tag a friend or two who may want to try it too!)
We’ll add you to our growing list of deviants interested in stepping into the new phase with Eclipse. Keep in mind Eclipse will be steadily rolled out to deviants in batches over the coming weeks and months, so don’t fret if you haven’t received a notification just yet!
If you dare to comment into this Journal, I swear to SATAN, I WILL... (fuck you)1. Tell you something I'll learn about you by looking at your dA page for 13 seconds.
2. Tell you which colour you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you, and your answer has to be as vague as possible to keep the suspense.
6. Tell you my favourite thing about you.
7. Give you a weird nickname
8. Tell you what's on my shirt right now.
9. Challenge you to post this on your journal.
Stole this from :iconSeiga:. Here are the answer's of a person under the anxiety disorder[ ] the dark
[ ] staying single forever
[x] being a parent
[x] giving birth
[/] being myself in front of others ( / means that I have almost defeated the fear)
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[/] heights
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[ ] spiders
[ ] flowers or other plants
Total so far: 3[x] being touched
[ ] fire
[ ] deep water
[ ] snakes
[ ] silk
[ ] the ocean
[ ] failure
[ ] success
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ] boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[ ] rats
[ ] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
Total so far: 4[ ] ...
Seurasin :iconRyuza: :n esimerkkiä tekemällä tämän :'DSinä tällä hetkellä:Oletko vapaa vai varattu? - vapaa sielu
Ja ikäsi oli? - 20
Millaiset housut on tällä hetkellä jalassasi? - mustat yökkärit
Onko käsissä jotain koruja/rannekkeita yms? - eiiiii
Minkä väriset hiukset sinulla on? -tummanruskeat
Entä silmiesi väri? - vihreänruskeatS i t ä j a t ä t ä:Oletko ajanut ilman korttia? - joo :'D
Oletko koskaan ollut kolarissa? - en ainakaan vielä
Minkä värinen on hammasharjasi? - vaihdoin sen juuri pinkkiin XD
Kenen kanssa tanssit viimeksi? - tanssin äitini esimiehen kanssa XDD
Osaatko olla hiljaa oikeissa paikoissa? - ömm.. vaihtelevalla menes...