Patreon: Welcome!
Any support given as we march towards our AI doom is much appreciated!
Many thank yous to my fans and followers!
This is just a suggestion, but have you thought about sorting your art into separate folders to make it easier to find a desired piece of art?
I used to do so. But the current interface for organizing images is horrible for organization. Its so user hostile I just havent been able to organize my gallery. There hasnt gone a day where Im not cursing Eclipse.
I'm not entirely sure what that means. I make separate folders for my work all the time with little trouble. Maybe things are different now.
You dont understand what interface means? Its the layout for the editing. When you want to create folders, you have to click the edit option. That activates the interface, basically a small window with the deviations within your browzer. The issue is that the window is too small, you cant mass select and its one singular load instead of pages. I have hundreds of deviations, I cant sit and load each deviation into a folder. It would take months to sort everything. Before, it was super easy mass select files and you didnt need to worry about scrolling for ages to find something you uploaded 10 years and 1000 deviations ago.
Happy birthday and holiday x mas!
Thank you!