Joseph Yusra Pg17sakura02 on DeviantArt

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Joseph Yusra Pg17



Joseph & Yusra -- Chapter 1
Manga for :iconmuslim-manga:

Cover page: [link]
Pg 1: [link]
Pg 2: [link]
Pg 3: [link]
Pg 4: [link]
Pg 5: [link]
Pg 6: [link]
Pg 7: [link]
Pg 8: [link]
Pg 9: [link]
Pg 10: [link]
Pg 11: [link]
Pg 12: [link]
Pg 13: [link]
Pg 14: [link]
Pg 15: [link]
Pg 16: [link]
Pg 17: [link]
Pg 18: [link]


YES I finally am getting off my butt to draw a Jospeh & Yusra comic ^_^ I'm planning to do a chapter very month *fingers crossed* if I can keep my attention on it. Who knows might make a book out of it. :P. It's completely digital. No scanning, everything is photo-shooped da whooped. This chapter is an introduction to how they met. Some things may be confusing but they'll be explained in chapter 2.

Special thanks to
for the advice and the arabic writing and
Image size
1449x2100px 3.14 MB
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